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![]() Alex's comment: You've heard traditional religions claiming that you can't build a good life without them. You've heard New Age nonsense claiming that they can offer you a good life by some mystical (even "quantum mechanical") ways. This one is different. Building your good life on Science. Building your good life on the present scientific knowledge, from Evolutionary Psychology and Neuroscience, of our human nature and our animal instincts. Michael Dowd is a former pastor. His present ministry is a milestone. It marks the religious application of Evolution. ("Religious" here means a way to give life meaning, worth, integrity, and fulfillment.) |
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Christian Naturalism
by Michael Dowd http://thankgodforevolution.com/node/1716 I am a Christian naturalist, not a supernaturalist. I do not deny the possibility of what some may call "supernatural," but my focus and locus of inspiration is found in this cosmos and in this life. My understanding of the divine and experience of the gospel relate to this very real Universe, not merely to a mythic unnatural realm. I do not value what is unnatural over what is natural. ... The idea of an eternal life-after-death without pain or struggle, yet with awareness of the everlasting torment of others (those who did not believe as I did), I consider hell, not heaven. I no longer merely believe in God. Thanks to the worldwide self-correcting scientific enterprise, I now know that facts are God's native tongue. Evidence reveals God's nature, God's ways, and God's guidance far more accurately than could have possibly been revealed to the biblical writers. This is in no way a dissing of scripture. It is, however, honoring God as a truly divine communicator and lifting up scientific discoveries as revelatory. Few things are more unflattering than imagining that God spoke more clearly to goat herders and fisherman in the distant past, through dreams and intuitions, than God does today through cumulative evidence discerned by the global community of scientists. In an evolutionary context, theism is trivialized if it is thought to be solely, or even primarily, about otherworldly matters and unnatural entities. Christian naturalism is an evo-theistic, or creatheistic, perspective that transcends and includes traditional notions of God that made sense when people assumed the earth was flat and the universe revolved around us. Like Evolutionary Christianity, it doesn't reject the possibility of a supernatural realm. But it does focus on, and primarily value, what is natural and unquestionably real. ... Related articles: The Unnaturalist Fallacy http://thankgodforevolution.com/node/1242 As with "The Way It Is" Fallacy, few things perpetuate the current science and religion war in America more than what I've begun calling "The Unnaturalist Fallacy"—the position taken by many atheists and fundamentalists alike that all or most of the unnatural-sounding (supernatural) language in religious scriptures, doctrines, and creeds cannot be known to be real in a physical, measurable way, but can only be believed to be real in an otherworldly, unnatural way. To say it another way, the unnaturalist fallacy is the mistaken belief that religious "truths" are not scientifically real at all, but only religiously so. ... Evolution as Meaningful, Inspiring Fact http://thankgodforevolution.com/node/1520 Traditional Religion's God Problem http://thankgodforevolution.com/node/1612 A holy view of evolution solves traditional religion's God problem. What is "traditional religion's God problem"? Simply this: If taken together and interpreted literally, the world's religious scriptures portray God in ways that we all know in our hearts cannot possibly be true. For example, all of us (even atheists!) know that God cannot possibly be schizophrenic, nor a tribal-cosmic terrorist. Yet that is precisely the view that the world's sacred texts collectively offer. That's traditional religion's God problem. ... The Great Blasphemy? http://thankgodforevolution.com/blog/the-great-blasphemy ...To "blaspheme" is to treat something sacred as profane, in word or deed. It is behaving disrespectfully or harmfully toward someone or something that is, in fact, worthy of deepest honor, respect, even reverence. When I suggest that our time in history may come to be known as "The Great Blasphemy," what I'm pointing to is the fact that hundreds of millions of religious believers around the world not only are unable to see the entire 14-billion-year history of the Universe as holy—indeed, as the primary revelation of God—but many even consider evolution "demonic." ... Thank God for Evolution by Michael Dowd Publisher: Plume (2009) ISBN: 978-0-452-29534-6 432 pages A Groundbreaking Perspective A movement has been growing over the past few decades that takes our common creation story—the epic of cosmic, biological, and human evolution revealed by science—as the basis for an inspiring and meaningful view of our place in the universe. Rev. Michael Dowd, "America's evolutionary evangelist," is at the forefront of this movement. This well informed, thoroughly researched, and inspired book proclaims a gospel billions of years old. It builds bridges, provides guidance, and restores realistic hope for virtually everyone, regardless of belief or worldview. Thank God for Evolution presents in a lively and accessible manner the reasons why it is now possible to view evolution as a call to deep integrity; how a dozen scientific disciplines reveal evolution to be measurably creative, rather than meaningless blind chance; practical methods for using evolutionary insights to achieve greater joy and personal fulfillment; and how aligning with evolutionary trends can guide activists and others hoping to make our world a better place. ... |
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"A treasure-trove of cogent information, practical application, and inspiration. This is a book I'd recommend not only to members of my own humanist inclined congregation but to my evangelical relatives as well!"
— Rev. Michael Schuler Senior Minister, First Unitarian Society of Madison, Wisconsin |
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Evolutionize Your Life: Heaven Is Coming Home to Reality
http://c3exchange.org/archive/evolutionize-your-life-heaven-is-coming-home-to-reality Memory and Gratitude http://c3exchange.org/archive/memory-and-gratitude C3 Exchange http://c3exchange.org (formerly Christ Community Church) http://MichaelDowd.org "Integrity is my religion." http://ThankGodforEvolution.com http://TheGreatStory.org |
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The Evidential Reformation: Humanity Comes of Age
By Michael Dowd "What the Evidential Reformation offers for religion is centrally this: Science reveals "God's word" for humanity today – that is, what's real and what's important, or how things are and which things matter – far more accurately than the Bible or Qur'an could ever hope to. And Moses, Jesus, the Apostle Paul, and the Prophet Mohammad would surely be among the first to applaud this trend were they alive today." Alex's comment: 證據改革。啟示「神的話語」,科學比《聖經》準確得多! ![]() |
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New Theists: Knowers, Not Believers
Rev. Michael Dowd | 06/15/2012 | Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rev-michael-dowd/new-theists-knowers-not-believers_b_1586301.html "A new breed of theist is emerging around the globe. We are religious naturalists: Reality is our God, evidence is our Scripture, integrity is our religion, and contributing toward a healthy future is our mission." Alex's comment: But my understanding of the term "Religious Naturalism" is that, provided the presence of the word "Naturalism," it is non-theistic (refrain from using the word "God") more than pantheistic ("reality is God"). |
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God in Big History
5-part video discussion course Michael Dowd http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy6eyCFfXNX06hG8fTaF06cr6rw29fvmb Big History is humanity's first and only creation story derived from global collective learning. While secular, it nevertheless reveals a way of thinking and speaking about God that is undeniably and inescapably real. A Big History approach to reality synthesizes science and religion -- head and heart -- by transcending and including reason AND faith, facts AND values. Honoring both sides of the equation, how things are and which things matter, is essential for human survival. |
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