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Truth seekers, this is the way to seek truth! We search for the origin of ourselves and of everything. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) located at the border between France and Switzerland re-creates the extreme high-energy condition at the very moment just after the Big Bang, the very beginning of time. That helps search for the Higgs bosons, the particle that could explain how energy from the Big Bang turned into mass. That will lead to a complete understanding of everything, including how ourselves come to be.
真理追尋者們,真理是這樣追尋的!我們找尋人類之源、萬物之源。位於法國與瑞士邊境的大型強子對撞機(LHC)令兩束超高能質子對撞,重構宇宙大爆炸後一瞬間的超高能量環境。其中一個目標是搜尋希格斯玻色子,這粒子可以解釋宇宙大爆炸時的能量如何變換成物質,有助解釋萬物之源、人類之源。 The latest issue of TIME (April 12, 2010, p12) reports briefly the first collision made on March 30, 2010: 最新一期《時代》雜誌簡短地報導了大型強子對撞機於三月三十日成功進行第一次質子束撞擊! ![]() A documentary explaining the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the search for Higgs bosons: 這紀錄片解釋大型強子對撞機(LHC)和希格斯玻色子的搜索: [1 of 3] [2 of 3] [3 of 3] This cartoon explains very simply and very clearly how the LHC works: 這卡通短片簡而清地解釋大型強子對撞機的工作原理: On the lighter side: 輕鬆 rap 一下: |
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Scientists closing in on elusive "God particle"
December 9, 2011 (CBS/AP) GENEVA - Until now, the hunt for a yet undetected particle thought to give all other particles their mass has failed to turn up hard hard evidence to suggest either the existence or non-existence of the Higgs boson. Come Tuesday, that all may change. Scientists at the world's largest atom smasher have new data that shows with greater certainty where to find a long-sought theoretical particle that would help explain the origins of the universe. Physicists at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research near Geneva, told The Associated Press that reams of new data will help in the search for the Higgs boson, whose existence is theorized under the main particle physics theory that explains the Big Bang. ... |
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Brian Greene Reacts to Today’s CERN Announcement
13 December 2011 http://worldsciencefestival.com/blog/brian_greene_reacts_to_todays_cern_announcement |
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Higgs Boson Announcement v5.0 -- DISCOVERY!!!!
Jul 04, 2012 http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/07/04/1104739/-Higgs-Boson-Announcement-v5-0-DISCOVERY |
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Does the Higgs Boson Discovery Resolve the Religion-Science Debate?
Philip Clayton 6 July 2012 http://philipclayton.net/2012/07/06/does-the-higgs-boson-discovery-resolve-the-religion-science-debate ...The perfect example of this debate was played out in a Colbert interview with Lawrence Krauss recently; it’s worth re-watching in the wake of the Higgs. Krauss, the New Atheist, touts his new book, A Universe from Nothing. There are three kinds of nothing, he insists, and according to the laws of quantum mechanics, each one left to itself will produce the something that we see around us. “It sounds like the ultimate free lunch,” Krauss admits, but there you have it; it’s just science. “The universe is more remarkable than the fairy tales that were talked about by Bronze Age illiterate peasants.” “Why does it have to be an attack on my God?” Colbert asks. “There’s just no evidence for God,” replies Krauss; “All I’ve said is that you don’t need Him.” Colbert, as always, gets the last word, however. "Suppose that something always comes from nothing. If there is no God, no ‘thing’ called God, if He is nothing,” concludes Colbert, "then by your own theory can’t something come from Him?”... Alex's comment: Krauss: Nothingness left to itself will produce the something that we see around us. Colbert: If God is nothing, then by your own theory can’t something come from God. Alex's comment: Colbert just renames Nothingness "God." Anybody can rename anything (or nothingness) "God" yet doing so is meaningless. Just like someone naming her cat "God" and say, "See, God is right here eating a fish!" |
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Scientists debate philosophers and theologians at CERN – but why?
By Jerry A. Coyne | 16 October 2012 http://churchandstate.org.uk/2012/10/scientists-debate-philosophers-and-theologians-at-cern-but-why "Any 'philosophizing' about things like multiverses can be done perfectly well by scientists on their own." |
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In 2012 the Large Hadron Collider found the game-changing Higgs — here's the next big mystery it could solve
MAR 20, 2015 http://www.businessinsider.com/what-will-the-large-hadron-collider-find-2015-3 ![]() |
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