Shocked and saddened by 8 HK tourists losing their lives, and 1 is critically injured, now still in the ICU. So close to us HKers, as many of us travel occasionally and the Philippines is among our popular destinations. has changed its look, and this thread is added, for mourning. May the dead rest in peace. May the injured recover soon. May the families be comforted and supported.
Let us reserve a minute of silence to remember the dead, the injured, and their families! We are star dust, yet so precious and valuable. Let us reflect seriously on our short and fragile being. Let us treasure our only life and feel deeply with our only body. Let us live life to the full, to actualize ourselves. Give thanks to Nature for our existence, and use our life wisely to love and help our fellow Humans.
Take care!

You may join us to mourn here!