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Issue #75 http://the-brights.net/movement/bulletin/bulletin.html?b=75 Morality is Natural! How well-grounded in current scientific knowledge is The Brights' Net's supposition that human morality has natural underpinnings (no recognition of any supernatural foundations)? The Brights' "Reality about Morality Project" was launched in 2006 to find out. Could we achieve authentication of this supposition by researchers in the field? The four assertions Brights drafted have been reviewed and shaped by seven noted scientists and ethical philosophers, and so we can now issue some scientifically defensible declarations. The statements, grounded in current scientific knowledge, can become a foundation for developing educational materials and media strategies. We want to build a broader understanding of morality first within the constituency. Then, with interested and knowledgeable Brights at hand, we can subsequently turn out attention to educating the general public. Look for a special emailed announcement on this topic in mid-October. By then, final statements and associated "substantiating studies" will have been posted on the website along with a panel-recommended listing of background readings. Any Brights wishing to become better versed in demonstrating that "morality is natural!" will surely be interested in those readings. Action Forum's New Flyer The "Evolution Flyer" produced within the international Brights' Forum has reached a form considered appropriate for distribution. (This Flyer is first in what is hoped to be a series of Brights-branded literature, produced through collaboration by Brights in consultation with Brights' Central.) The technical details of hosting this piece on the-brights.net will be resolved soon; provisionally, US letter-sized and European A4-sized versions suitable for offset printing and a plain US letter version of the Flyer are available via this link. Stay tuned for further developments. A Brights' Choir Anyone? From Greg: "Hello from England. I was wondering, has there been any suggestion that any Brights might start a choir? London is a fairly tolerant city and the inhabitants are fairly Bright[ish?] by nature. Which is good, but it may be difficult to make them see the significance in a formal statement of the fact. I am writing in the fond hope that our friends in the US may have sufficient numbers to get the ball rolling." Any suggestions from American Brights? The State of Atheism in the US and UK University of Cambridge - The "Investigating Atheism" Project. "The purpose of this site is to set these contemporary 'God Wars' in their historical context, and to offer a range of perspectives (from all sides) on the chief issues raised by the 'new atheists'. We hope this will encourage more informed opinion about the issues, discourage oversimplification of the debate, and deepen the interest in the subject." From the Skeptic's Dictionary Professor Robert Carroll, editor of the long-running Skeptic's Dictionary, gave the Brights a favorable mention in his "Why I am not an atheist" essay. Excerpt: "I don't believe any gods exist, but I'm not an atheist any more than I am an asantaclausist or an aeasterbunnyist. Not believing in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny doesn't commit me to an ideology or belief system shared with others who reject the notion that such creatures exist. My disbelief in leprechauns doesn't unite me with millions of other aleprechaunists. The label of 'atheist' is one that theists use to create the illusion that their belief in spirits has some substance..." |
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Reason Rally Promo
http://www.youtube.com/thebrightsnet |
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For Humanists, the Secular Movement Is Only Half the Battle
by David Niose, President, American Humanist Association March 29, 2012 "True victory requires revival of progressivism." |
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The Reason Rally - A Secular Celebration
http://youtu.be/d11tcjO--70 |
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![]() Gregg D. Caruso July 2013 http://www.the-brights.net/people/books/book_details.html?book=etiofwamr Book Description This book explores the philosophical and scientific arguments for free will skepticism and their implications. Skepticism about free will and moral responsibility has been on the rise in recent years. In fact, a significant number of philosophers, psychologists, and neuroscientists now either doubt or outright deny the existence of free will and/or moral responsibility—and the list of prominent skeptics appears to grow by the day. Given the profound importance that the concepts of free will and moral responsibility play in our lives—in understanding ourselves, society, and the law—it is important that we explore what is behind this new wave of skepticism. It is also important that we explore the potential consequences of skepticism for ourselves and society. This edited collection of new essays brings together an internationally recognized line-up of contributors, most of whom hold skeptical positions of some sort, to display and explore the leading arguments for free will skepticism and to debate their implications. It includes original contributions by Susan Blackmore, Thomas W. Clark, Mark Hallett, John-Dylan Haynes and Michael Pauen, Ted Honderich, Neil Levy, Thomas Nadelhoffer and Daniela Goya Tocchetto, Shaun Nichols, Derk Pereboom, Susan Pockett, Maureen Sie, Saul Smilansky, Galen Strawson, Manuel Vargas, Benjamin Vilhauer, and Bruce Waller. About the Author Gregg D. Caruso is associate professor of philosophy and chair of the humanities department at Corning Community College, SUNY. He is the author of Free Will and Consciousness: A Determinist Account of the Illusion of Free Will (Lexington Books, 2012) and the editor of Exploring the Illusion of Free Will and Moral Responsibility (Lexington Books, 2013). He works primarily on free will, consciousness, and human agency. Website: http://greggcaruso.com |
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