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UUHK Humanist Group gathering
Explore Life's Big Questions Date: 29 April 2017 Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute, 10/F, 11 Mongkok Road, Mongkok, Kowloon The essence this first meeting: Do you like regular atheist gatherings? Let's talk! In the latest issue of the UU monthly newsletter Quest, a short story for kids tells a simple basic worldview of atheism: humans are made of atoms. One of the purposes for which religions have been invented was to answer the fundamental existential question: where do we come from? Atheism does have an answer: we are made of atoms which come from the stars. This simple story brought out the vital message: Atheists should and can ask and answer life's ultimate questions (Where do we come from? What is the meaning of life? How should we live? Where will we end up?). Exploring these big questions from the perspective of atheism shall be important and interesting! Do you like regular atheist gatherings? Regular gatherings can build a sense of community, something that is often lacking for atheists. Shall we start one? If yes, what to do? How often? Where to meet? Let's talk and enjoy the process! Form: Free discussions, brain-storming Agenda: 1. Establish worthiness (if not, simply drop the idea) 2. Set purpose/aim/directions 3. Plan arrangements: a) What to do (discussions on podcasts*; participants take turn to organize?) b) Frequency (weekly/biweekly/monthly) c) Venue (CityU canteen/Starbucks/a pub/HKCI/etc.) d) As a joint event with other atheist group(s) in Hong Kong? e) Sunday Assembly?** *Example podcast material: Podcast "Waking Up with Sam Harris" Episode 67: Meaning and Chaos "In this episode of the Waking Up podcast, Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson discuss science, religion, archetypes, mythology, and the perennial problem of finding meaning in life." **A possible model: Sunday Assembly (Anyone interested in setting one up in Hong Kong?) Conclusion: It will be a Hong Kong Atheists Society monthly first Sunday evening 7pm meetup in Taboo bar, Wanchai. http://www.meetup.com/HKAtheists 尋道會人文組聚會 探索人生的大問題 日期:2017年4月29日(星期六) 地點:旺角道十一號藝旺商業大廈十字樓香港基督徒學會 這次首次聚會的主要內容:你喜歡定期的無神論聚會嗎?我們來談談吧! 在最新一期的UU月報《探索》中,一個兒童小故事敘述了無神論的基本世界觀:人類是由原子構成的。宗教之所以被發明的目的之一是回答基本的存在問題:我們從哪裡來?無神論確實有一個答案:我們是來自星星的原子。這個簡單的故事提出了一個重要的信息:無神論者可以和應該提問和回答人生的終極問題(我們從哪裡來?生命的意義是什麼?我們應該如何生活?我們將歸於何處?)從無神論的角度探索這些大問題是重要而有趣的!你喜歡定期的無神論聚會嗎?定期聚會可以建立一種社群感,此乃無神論者經常缺乏的東西。我們應該開始舉辦嗎?如果是,可有甚麼內容?多久一次?地點?讓我們來談談並享受當中過程吧! 形式:自由討論、腦激蕩 議程: 1. 值得辦嗎?(如不,可直接放棄計劃) 2. 設定目的/目標/方向 3. 具體安排: a)活動內容(播客*討論;參與者輪流主持?) b)頻率(每週/每兩週/每月) c)場地(城市大學飯堂/星巴克/酒吧/學會/等) d)與其他無神論團體合辦? e)Sunday Assembly?** *播客材料示例: 播客「與Sam Harris一同醒覺」 第67集「意義與混沌」 「在這一集『醒覺』播客中,薩姆·哈里斯(Sam Harris)和喬丹·彼得森討論了科學、宗教、原型、神話以及尋找人生意義此亙古課題。」 **一個可能的模式:Sunday Assembly(暫譯「周日聚會」) (可有人有興趣將它引入香港?) 結論:「香港無神論者會」(譯)將每月首周日晚七時於灣仔Taboo酒吧舉行meetup聚會。 http://www.meetup.com/HKAtheists |
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Sunday Gathering
Mom, I'm an atheist, happy Mother's Day! 14 May 2017 7:00pm http://www.meetup.com/HKAtheists/events/239611668 Taboo (old Delaney's) 1/F, One Capital Place 18 Luard Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (upstairs in the dining room) Come and join us for the first of our weekly atheist community Sunday gatherings. Swap stories about "coming out" to your family, and your experiences with non-belief in general. Or just talk about science, philosophy, and the meaning of life with like-minded individuals. |
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Big Question Lab (from the Humanist Hub)
updated on 30 Aug 2016 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYLWrI7PTWQ5Ft88pgAzu54fNO94L2wib Big Question Lab is the Humanist Hub's children's program; developed originally as -- the Learning Lab (2012 - 2015) -- as a secular Sunday school for humanist, atheist, agnostic, and multi-faith families who wanted to teach their kids about morals and critical thinking. It was further developed in 2015/16 by a team of educators, humanist community members, families, and a multi-modal artist/teacher A Hughman (Nick Bohl) who is documenting (in YouTube series form) their goal to help kids in communities develop as compassionate, creative, and critical thinking human beings. Humanist Hub: http://www.humanisthub.org Alex's comment: A possible resource material for atheist/humanist gatherings. |
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Skeptics in the Pub Hong Kong
http://www.meetup.com/Skeptics-in-the-Pub-HK Special invite: Free thinkers' junk w/ Politics, Philosophy and Big Ideas 2 July 2017 (Sunday) http://www.meetup.com/Skeptics-in-the-Pub-HK/events/240724137 |
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