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Topics (1650)
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Alex: 基於科學的人生終極理解與解脫 by Alex
0 replies, - in Philosophy, Theology, Religion 哲學、神學、宗教
by Alex
端傳媒/台北:反同主力,為什麼來自基督教? by Alex
0 replies, - in Western religions 西方宗教
by Alex
"Internet Bible Study Group" of PCF 進思基督徒團契「網上查經組」 by Alex
34 replies, - in Western religions 西方宗教
by Alex
基督路小教會 Narrow Church by Alex
21 replies, - in Western religions 西方宗教
by Alex
Fox: New study shows fewer Americans are practicing organized religion by Alex
0 replies, - in Atheism, Humanism, Naturalism 無神論、人文主義、自然主義
by Alex
盧俊義:宗教信仰最卑鄙的手段 by Alex
0 replies, - in Western religions 西方宗教
by Alex
Gospel of Judas 猶大福音 by Alex
0 replies, - in Western religions 西方宗教
by Alex
Neuroscience News: Religious Beliefs Activate Neural Reward Circuits in Same Way As Sex and Drugs by Alex
0 replies, - in Philosophy, Theology, Religion 哲學、神學、宗教
by Alex
LGBTI rights and freedom of religion in Hong Kong and the European Union 2016 by Alex
0 replies, - in Philosophy, Theology, Religion 哲學、神學、宗教
by Alex
Global Interfaith Network on Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression by Alex
1 reply, - in Philosophy, Theology, Religion 哲學、神學、宗教
by Alex
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