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Topics (1650)
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Buddhism: 香港佛門墮落史 (YouTube) by Alex
0 replies, - in Eastern religions 東方宗教
by Alex
Siegel/Big Think: Surprise: the Big Bang isn’t the beginning of the universe anymore by Alex
0 replies, - in Philosophy, Theology, Religion 哲學、神學、宗教
by Alex
Buddhism: 佛學基礎班 16-23/4/2022 by Alex
0 replies, - in Eastern religions 東方宗教
by Alex
Siegel/Big Think: Where did the Universe come from? by Alex
0 replies, - in Philosophy, Theology, Religion 哲學、神學、宗教
by Alex
Christianity Today: We Have No More Tears Left (Ukraine) by Alex
0 replies, - in Western religions 西方宗教
by Alex
Horgan/Sci Am: Does Quantum Mechanics Rule Out Free Will? by Alex
0 replies, - in Philosophy, Theology, Religion 哲學、神學、宗教
by Alex
Raw Story: Scientists have established a link between brain damage and religious fundamentalism by Alex
0 replies, - in Western religions 西方宗教
by Alex
Wolchover/Quanta: A Deepening Crisis Forces Physicists to Rethink Structure of Nature’s Laws by Alex
0 replies, - in Philosophy, Theology, Religion 哲學、神學、宗教
by Alex
龔立人《時代論壇》:烏克蘭:一場尊嚴的革命 by Alex
0 replies, - in Western religions 西方宗教
by Alex
Humanists International: “Human Rights Council must act in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine” by Alex
0 replies, - in Atheism, Humanism, Naturalism 無神論、人文主義、自然主義
by Alex
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