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March 2020
Global Chalice Lighting These words come from Jean Bosco Ndihokubwayo, leader of the Eligise Unitarinne du Burundi (Unitarian Church of Burundi). Kirundi Tuzinguje Uru rumuri twifatanya nabo bose ibihome bitandukanye vy, igipfungu bitabakundira kubona Imbere iyo baja. Bakeneye ubufasha bw, umuco w, ubwenge, w, umubiri w, ikibano , w, akaranga n, imico. Kugira batwunganire mugikorwa cukubaka isi nk, ijuru. Amina English Welcome into the circle of light those who are standing behind different walls of fog which do not allow them to see any further and are in need of our intellectual, moral, physical, social and cultural light, so that they can join us to the work of building this earth as heaven. Amen https://icuu.net/2020/03/01/march-2020-global-chalice-lighting |
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In reply to this post by Alex
A lángot azok emlékére gyújtjúk, akik előttünk járva, alapot vetettek közösségeinknek a szabadság, a szeretet, a türelem szellemében és bizonyságot tettek arról, hogy a fény legyőzi a sötétséget. “A hit isten ajándéka. A hitnek ismertető igaz jele a benső tisztaság, a szeretet, a külső jámbor élet és jó cselekedetek. A szeretet a törvény összessége és vége. Krisztus szerint a törvény teljessége a szeretetben áll. A szeretet királyi törvény. A szeretet a valódi szabadság, mihez a szolgaság félelme nem járul. A szeretet a világ éltető lelke, a jók legföbb kincse .” (Dávid Ferenc) English We light this chalice in remembrance of those who laid down the foundation of our communities in the spirit of freedom, love and tolerance, to remember that true light will outshine darkness: “Faith is the gift of God. The true signs of faith are an inner purity and love and an honest life and good deeds. Love is the ultimate interpretation and completion of the law. According to Jesus love is the plenitude of the law. Love is a royal commandment. Love is the true freedom, which does not bear the bondage of fear. Love is the creative spirit of the world, the highest treasure of humankind.” (Francis David, founder of the Hungarian Unitarian Church – XVIth century) https://icuu.net/2021/01/08/january-2021-global-chalice-lighting |
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In reply to this post by Alex
April 2021 Global Chalice Lighting
These words are offered by Ndihokubwayo Jean Bosco, leader of Assemblée des Chretiens Unitariens du Burundi (Unitarian Church of Burundi). Kirundi Murakaza neza muri kano kanya keza!! Ni gute abantu bokwakira ibikomeye? Twakije runo rumuri tuzi neza ko bigoye muri kamere kacu, twama twiteze ivyiza, muga ivyo ntibibuza ibihuhusi guhitana abacu n, ivyacu atagituma. Bikadutandukanya n, abatuzeyeko urukiza (abakozi, abagenzi, abo turongoye…). Aho guhezagira rero tukavuma, aho gutega ugutwi tukagiriza, tukigunga aho gusohora iciyumviro. Uru rumuri n, irudukomeze, naho ibiza vyahoneje abacu n, ivyacu. Amina!! English Welcome into this holy time!! How do people accept adversity that comes upon their lives? We light this chalice being conscious that our nature expects much good to happen, yet this does not prevent strong winds from striking us without any clear cause; fire falls upon our possessions and consumes everything, and we find ourselves more hopeless than ever. That moment of despair separates us from our friends, our employees, our community, even our families because we cannot meet their expectations. It is the time we curse instead of offering blessing, this is the time, this the same time we judge instead of listen. In the time of despair, we isolate ourselves instead of expressing our thoughts and feelings. May this chalice sustain us though the wind has struck us hard, though fire has fallen on us, may it bring us together, may this chalice be a symbol of unity, hope and blessing. Amen!! https://icuu.net/2021/04/01/april-2021-global-chalice-lighting |
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