ICUU Global Chalice Lighting

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Alex Alex
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October 2014

Global Chalice Lighting for October 2014

ICUU announces the 134th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Unitarian Universalist Society of Spain and is suggested for use in October 2014.
We light this chalice in remembrance of our forebear Michael Servetus, who died in the month of October, more than 460 years ago, defending his right to think and believe independently.
He said: "I wish that everybody was freely allowed to speak in our churches", and so we recognize in the free expression of thought and the diversity of opinions the basis of our liberal faith.
—Jaume de Marcos
Encenem aquest calze en memòria de'n Miquel Servet, que va morir a l'octubre fa més de 450 anys, defensant el seu dret de pensar i creure de manera independent.
Ell va dir: "Tant de bò que totspuguessin parlar lliurement en les nostres esglésies", i així reconeixem en la lliure expressió del pensament i en la diversitat d'opinions la
base de la nostra fe liberal.
—Jaume de Marcos
Wir entzünden diesen Flammenkelch in Erinnerung an unseren Vorfahren Michael Sevetus, der im Oktober vor über 460 Jahren starb, weil er sein Recht unabhängig zu denken und zu glauben verteidigte. Er sagte: ' Ich wünsche, dass es jedem gestattet ist, frei in unseren Kirchen zu sprechen.'   Wir erkennen in der Möglichkeit, offen Gedanken zu äußern und in der Vielfalt der Meinungen die Grundlage unseres freiheitlichen Glaubens.
—Jaume de Marcos
Nous allumons ce calice en souvenir de notre ancêtre Michel Servet, décédé un mois d'octobre, il y a de cela plus de 460 ans, en défendant son droit de penser et de croire de façon indépendante. Il a dit : «Je veux que tout le monde soit autorisé à parler librement dans nos églises", et c’est ainsi que nous reconnaissons dans la libre expression de la pensée et la diversité des opinions la base de notre foi libérale.
—Jaume de Marcos
Encendemos este cáliz en memoria de Miguel Servet, que murió en octubre hace más de 450 años,defendiendo su derecho a pensar y creer de manera independiente.
El dijo: "Ojalá todos pudieran hablar libremente en nuestras iglesias", y así reconocemos en la libreexpresión del pensamiento y la diversidad de opiniones la base de nuestra fe liberal.
—Jaume de Marcos
Accendiamo questo calice in memoria del nostro antenato Michele Serveto, che morì nel mese di Ottobre, pù di 460 anni fa, difendendo il proprio diritto di pensare e credere in modo indipendente.
Egli disse: Vorrei ce a tutti fosse permesso di parlare liberamente nelle nostre chiese.". Per questo noi riconosciamo nella libera espressione del pensiero e nella diversità di opinioni, la base della fede liberale.
—Jaume de Marcos
With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Jean-Claude Barbier (French), Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German), Paola Ferrari (Italian) and Jaume de Marcos (Spanish).
Alex Alex
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November 2014

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Global Chalice Lighting for November 2014

ICUU announces the 134th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches (UK) and is for use in November 2014.

We light our chalice flame to start our worship period. The light of the flame represents our unending search for truth; the heat of the flame represents the warmth of love; the beauty of the lighted chalice represents our religious quest to bring the best into our lives and our world.

Just as the chalice candle/oil is consumed in its work of producing its light and heat, so too we will only be able to bring truth and love and beauty into our lives and into our world by transforming our beings into sacred flames—a sacrifice of self that is fed by the spirit of God acting through our lives and our relationships.

May our sharings and reflections today help to make our inner lights burn more brightly, bringing the light of justice to our darkened world.

—John Clifford. Submitted by the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches
Alex Alex
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December 2014

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ICUU Global Chalice Lighting for December 2014

ICUU announces the 134th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Canadian Unitarian Council and is for use in December 2014.

In times of darkness we stumble towards the tiny flame.
In times of cold we seek the warming fire.
In times of repression we reach for the lamp of truth.
In times of loss we pray for the comforting light.
In times of joy we light a candle of celebration.
Spirit of Life, as we kindle this light, help us find what we need this day.

—Brian Kiely (ICUU Past President and Canadian Unitarian Universalist Minister)
Alex Alex
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January 2015

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Global Chalice Lighting for January 2015

ICUU announces the 137th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the "ICUU Global Chalice Lighting" for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was submitted by the Conseil des unitariens et universalistes français and is for use in January 2015.


Here we are gathered, by our Unitarian and Universalist traditions, around our chalice which we light.
Our ritual which brings us together, we who come from diverse backgrounds. Other faiths use prayer beads, make the sign of the cross, turn prayer mills, kneel on carpets, light candles, commune in circles.
For us, our meditation and sharing today begin with this gesture, which, for us, is sacred in the secular sense of the word.
— Jean-Claude Barbier, Conseil des unitariens et universalistes français


對於我們,我們的冥想和這天的分享始於這個對我們以世俗意義來說, 是神聖的一種手勢。
— Jean-Claude Barbier, 一神論和普信論法國議會


Nous voilà réunis, de par notre tradition unitarienne et universaliste, autour de notre calice et nous l’allumons.
C’est notre rituel qui nous regroupe, nous qui venons d’horizons divers.
D’autres croyants égrènent des chapelets, se signent de la croix, font tourner des moulins à prière, s'agenouillent sur un tapis, allument des bougies, se mettent en cercle …
Pour nous, notre méditation et notre partage de ce jour commencent avec ce geste qui nous est sacré au sens laïque du terme.
— Jean-Claude Barbier, Conseil des unitariens et universalistes français
Alex Alex
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February 2015

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ICUU Global Chalice Lighting for February 2015

ICUU announces the 138th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the "ICUU Global Chalice Lighting" for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was submitted by the Religious Society of Czech Unitarians and is for use in February 2015.
Hope, respect and love – three important treasures of spiritual life.
May they always be in our hearts, may we always give them generously.
The light of this flame is a symbol of them too, as hope, respect and love are the cornerstones of our free spiritual path.                                  
—Petr Samojsky, Religious Society of Czech Unitarians
希望,尊重,和熱愛 --- 是靈性生活裏的三個重要寶藏。
-Petr Samojsky,捷克一神論宗教學會
Nadeje, úcta a láska – tri dulezité poklady duchovního zivota. Necht jsou vzdy v nasich srdcích,
necht je vzdy stedre rozdáváme kolem. Svetlo tohoto plamene je také jejich symbolem, nebot
nadeje, úcta a láska jsou základními kameny svobodné duchovní cesty.
—Petr Samojsky, Religious Society of Czech Unitarians
Il y a trois trésors importants pour notre vie spirituelle: l’espérance, le respect et l’amour;
Puissent-ils êtres toujours présents en nos coeurs afin que nous puissions les offrir avec
La lumière de cette flamme en est un symbole également puisque l’espérance, le
respect et l’amour sont la pierre d’angle de notre cheminement spirituel et de notre liberté.
—Petr Samojsky, Religious Society of Czech Unitarians
Hoffnung, Respekt und Liebe - drei wichtige Schätze unseres spirituellen Lebens.
Mögen sie stets in unseren Herzen sein und wir sie stets großzügig verschenken.
Das Licht dieser Flamme ist ebenso ein Sinnbild für dafür, wie Hoffnung, Respekt und Liebe Eckpfeiler unseres freien spirituellen Weges sind.
—Petr Samojsky, Religious Society of Czech Unitarians
Espera, respeto y amor: tres tesoros importantes de la vida espiritual.
Ojalá estén siempre en nuestros corazones y podemos entregarlos a los demás con generosidad.
La luz de esta llama los simboliza, pues la esperanza, el respeto y el amor son las piedras angulares de nuestra vía espiritual libre.
—Petr Samojsky, Sociedad Religiosa de Unitarios Checos
With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Bruce Epstein (English), Adam Hargrove (Chinese),  Jean-Claude Barbier (French), Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German) and Jaume de Marcos (Spanish).
Alex Alex
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March 2015

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In reply to this post by Alex
Global Chalice Lighting for March 2015

ICUU announces the 139th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Unitarian Universalist Association (USA) and is for use in March 2015.
The light of life shines through the eyes of each and every person.
The light of truth shines through each life.
May the light of this chalice remind us that our search for truth and light is ongoing,
and is enhanced and nurtured by every person we meet.
May we honor the light in each other.
-- Rev. Jill McAllister
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
--Jill McAllister 牧師
美國 UU 聯會
La lumière de la vie brille dans les yeux de chaque personne.
La lumière de la vérité brille à travers chaque vie.
Puisse la lumière de ce calice nous rappeler que notre recherche de la vérité et de la lumière est en cours,
Et qu’elle se trouve renforcée et nourrie par chaque personne que nous rencontrons.
Puissions-nous honorer la lumière dans l'autre.
-- Rev. Jill McAllister
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
Das Licht des Lebens leuchtet durch die Augen eines jeden.
Das Licht der Wahrheit scheint durch alles Lebendige hindurch.
Möge das Licht dieses Leuchters uns daran erinnern,
dass unsere Suche nach Wahrheit und Licht nicht endet
und durch jede Person, die uns begegnet,
unterstützt und verstärkt wird.
Wir wollen das Licht in jedem von uns achten.  
-- Rev. Jill McAllister
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
La luz de la vida brilla a través de los ojos de cada persona.
La luz de la verdad brilla a través de cada vida.
Que la luz de este cáliz nos recuerde que nuestra búsqueda de la verdad y la luz
es continua y que se mejora y nutre con cada persona que encontramos.
Honremos la luz que hay en cada uno de nosotros.
-- Rev. Jill McAllister
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
with many thanks to our volunteer translators: Adam Hargrove (Chinese),  Jean-Claude Barbier (French), Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German) and Jaume de Marcos (Spanish)
Alex Alex
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April 2015

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Global Chalice Lighting for April 2015
ICUU announces the 140th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the "ICUU Global Chalice Lighting" for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was submitted by the Unitarian Universalist Association (USA).

The chalice is lit within our souls each time that we:
• pray for vision,
• long for healing,
• forgive our enemy,
• comfort our neighbor,
• and prepare for justice's day.
In its light, our hope and compassion are renewed and the covenantal ties that bind each to all become clear.
Now, by its sacred flame, the path before us is brightened:
• Love prepares our way,
• Harmony is in view,
• there is no East or West,
• no South or North.
Only a world to greet, and bless with more light still.  Amen.        
--- (Rev.) Eric M. Cherry, Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (USA)

在聖光裡,我們的希望和惻隱之心從新浮現,使每個綁住我們與聖約的關係 明朗化。
只有迎接一個世界與更多祝福的聖光。 阿門。

---Eric M. Cherry 牧師
美國 UU 聯會
(translated by Adam Hargrove)
Alex Alex
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May 2015

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Global Chalice Lighting for May 2015

ICUU announces the 141st in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least
one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting”. This Global Chalice Lighting was
originally submitted by the Australia and New Zealand Unitarian Universalist Association.

We are Unitarians, so what do we celebrate?

We celebrate the faithful way of love, freedom and truth.

We celebrate the message of tolerance and equality.

We celebrate all missions to unite faiths, cultures and peoples in the face of division and exclusion.

We celebrate the pioneers of social justice, for speaking out their reason, often at the risk of losing their career, reputation or even their life.

We celebrate how unique, mysterious and powerful each life is.

We celebrate gracious humility learnt without the imposition of guilt or failure.

We celebrate the beauty of the earth and the impossibility of the universe.

We celebrate the potential for good of the local and global community.

We celebrate the rich diversity of each country.

We celebrate our meetings of peaceful fellowship.

We celebrate the gift of laughter and we celebrate because there are infinite reasons to celebrate!

—Sebastian Steed, submitted by the Australian and New Zealand Unitarian Association














-Sebastian Steed

volunteer translator: Adam Hargrove (Chinese)
Alex Alex
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June 2015

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Global Chalice Lighting for June 2015

ICUU announces the 142nd in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Below and attached  are the recommended words for June 2015. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Indian Union of Unitarian Churches.

Today, when we light the chalice,
may the world be filled with God's holiness.

May we feel His presence, His love, His compassion, His bounteous blessings.

May we always be ready to be grateful to Him,
to glorify Him and to pray to Him,
with holy hearts and with thirst in our spirits.

Let us direct our thoughts to God with purity of the heart that
we may receive His peace
from Whom it springs forth and fills the world to eternity.

—Hajom Kissor Singh, 1891, Unitarian Union of North East India


—Hajom Kissor Singh, 印度東北部的一神論1891年聯盟
(volunteer translator: Adam Hargrove)

Alex's comment:

Chinese translation suggested:
Hajom Kissor Singh(1891年),印度東北部一神論派聯盟
Alex Alex
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July 2015

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Global Chalice Lighting for July 2015

ICUU announces the 143rd in its monthly global chalice lighting readings.  Attached and below are the recommended words for July 2015. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Hungarian Unitarian Church.

Every time we light a candle, we remember the past.
Whoever forgets the past must live through it again.
But those who remember the past
find in it directions for the present and the future, and
can revive tradition in all its richness.
It is the duty of each generation to study history,
so that in the light of the past
it may see clearly what is its own special task.
It is our duty too, on this special occasion.
—Transylvanian Unitarian Bishop Janos Erdo (1913-1996)

--- Janos Erdo 主教,特蘭西瓦尼亞一神論派(1913年至1996年)
(Chinese language volunteer translator: Adam Hargrove)
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August 2015

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Global Chalice Lighting for August 2015

ICUU announces the 144th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the "ICUU Global Chalice Lighting" for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the British General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches.

We light this chalice as a symbol of our faith.

By its light, may our vision be illumined
By its warmth, may our fellowship be encouraged
And by its flame, may our yearnings for peace, justice, and the life of the spirit been kindled.  

—David Usher (founding President, ICUU)
British General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches


-- David Usher(ICUU 創會主席)

volunteer translator: Adam Hargrove (Chinese)
Alex Alex
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September 2015

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Global Chalice Lighting for September 2015

ICUU announces the 145th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Unitarian Church of Nigeria.

Egb̩ ◌ ◌ֽo ◌ ◌ֽEyin Ij ◌ ◌ֽo Eniyan
Ȯluna Olorun wa, Olorun Ikan ̩s̩os̩o ni
Ife̩ Ni Yio Bva Araiye La
E̩je̩ka Fe̩ Arawa
Ki Aba Le Ri Igbala
Fi To̩kan To̩kan Re̩ Fe̩ Ottun Gbogbo
Ti Ns̩e ReRe
Si Fe̩ O̩mo̩ E̩nikeji Re̩ Ge̩ge̩ Bi
Ara Re̩
Eyi Ni Akuja Ofin Ati Gbongbo E̩sin
— Olufemi Olaniyi Matimoju
O ye dear brethren,
Our Lord God is one God.
It is love that will guarantee
Salvation for all.
Let us love one another
That we may gain salvation.
Sincerely love everything that
Is good with your heart,
Also love your neighbour as yourself,
For this is accomplishment of the
Law and true rooted worship.
— Olufemi Olaniyi Matimoju
- Olufemi Olaniyi Matimoju,尼日利亞一神教派
volunteer translators: Adam Hargrove (Chinese)
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October 2015

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ICUU Global Chalice Lighting Words for October 2015

ICUU announces the 146th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Attached and below are the Global Chalice Lighting Words for October 2015.
Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the "ICUU Global Chalice Lighting" for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Danish Unitarian Church.

Lad denne lille flamme symbolisere den guddommelige livsgnist,
som findes i alle levende væsener.
Må dets flamme lede os til større viden og tolerance.
Må dets varme lede os til dybere kærlighed og omsorg.
Og må dets lys lede os mod større visdom og forståelse.
Ja, hver for sig er vi kun en lillebitte flamme.
Men tilsammen kan vi oplyse verden!
-submitted by Lene Lund Shoemaker, Danish Unitarian Church
Let this flame symbolize the divine spark of light
embedded in all living beings.
May its flame lead us to greater knowledge and tolerance.
May its warmth lead us to deeper love and compassion.
And may its light lead us toward greater wisdom and understanding.
Yes, each of us is but a tiny flame.
But together we can enlighten the world!
-submitted by Lene Lund Shoemaker, Danish Unitarian Church
Que cette flamme symbolise l'étincelle divine de la lumière scellée dans tout être vivant.
Puisse sa flamme nous conduire à une plus grande connaissance et tolérance.
Que sa chaleur approfondisse notre amour et notre compassion.
Et que sa lumière nous conduise à plus de sagesse et d'intelligence.
Oui, chacun de nous n’est qu’une bien minuscule flamme, mais, ensemble, nous pouvons éclairer le Monde !
Présenté par Lene Lund Shoemaker, Eglise unitarienne danoise
Lasst diese Flamme den göttlichen Funken versinnbildlichen,
der in allem Lebendigen lebt.
Möge sein Licht  uns zu größerer Erkenntnis und Toleranz führen.
Möge seine Wärme uns zu tiefer empfundener Liebe und Mitgefühl führen.
Und möge sein Leuchten uns zu mehr Weisheit und Verständnis führen.
Ja, jeder von uns ist nur eine winzige Flamme,
aber gemeinsam können wir die Welt zum Leuchten bringen.
-submitted by Lene Lund Shoemaker, Danish Unitarian Church
Sia questa fiamma il simbolo della scintilla divina
che alberga in ogni essere vivente.
Possa questa fiamma condurci verso una conoscenza e una tolleranza.sempre maggiori.
Possa il suo calore condurci ad amore e a compassione sempre più profondi
e possa questa luce condurci verso saggezza e comprensione sempre più grandi.
Certo, ognuno di noi è solo una piccola fiammella,
ma insieme possiamo illuminare il mondo.
Lene Lund Shoemaker, Danish Unitarian Church
Que esta llama simbolice la chispa divina
presente en todos los seres vivos.
Que su llama nos guíe a un mayor conocimiento y tolerancia.
Que su calor nos lleve a un amor y una compasión más profundos.
Y que su luz nos conduzca a una sabiduría y comprensión más elevadas.
Sí, cada uno de nosotros es una llama diminuta.
¡Pero juntos podemos alumbrar el mundo!
-Enviado por Lene Lund Shoemaker, Iglesia Unitaria Danesa
(With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Jean-Claude Barbier (French), Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German), Paola Ferarri (Italian) and Jaume de Marcos (Spanish).)
Alex Alex
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November 2015

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Global Chalice Lighting for November 2015

ICUU announces the 147th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches in the UK.

Bless the work that we do,
And the silence that falls upon us,
And the joy that stirs within us.
And let praise rise to our lips
Naturally out of the fullness of our hearts.

-Sheila Crosskey
British General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches
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December 2015

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Global Chalice Lighting for December 2015

ICUU announces the 148th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Canadian Unitarian Council.


You are welcome here visitor, friend or long time member.
You are welcome here.
With your family or partner
Or lover or alone
We joyfully welcome you here.
You are welcome here as believer
Or doubter, as joiner or loner.
You are welcome here feeling a part of us or not,
Full of energy or plain tired, seeking a vision or a rest.
You are welcome to join us as you are.
- Rev. Ray Drennan, Canadian Unitarian Council


— Ray Drennan 牧師

(With many thanks to our volunteer translator Adam Hargrove (Chinese).)
Alex Alex
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January 2016

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Global Chalice Lighting for January 2016

ICUU announces the 149th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches (UK).

As one small flame
fills a whole room with light,
So may we radiate
hope, courage and good cheer
in our homes, in our worship
and in all the corners
of our world.
--Rev. Celia Midgley
British General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches
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February 2016

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Global Chalice Lighting for February 2016

ICUU announces the 150th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Australia and New Zealand Unitarian Universalist Association. 
We light this Chalice, a living symbol of
the one Life that animates and sustains all things and all persons,
the one Life in which we all live and move and have our being, and
the one Life which perpetually gives of itself to itself so as to become the many.

By means of the light of truth and reason,
and the warmth of fellowship and compassion,
may the many come to know themselves
to be not only interconnected with each other
but also indivisible emanations of that
one great Light which enlightens all Life and
which can never be extinguished.

Rev. Dr. Ian Ellis-Jones
Australian and New Zealand Unitarian Universalist Association
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March 2016

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ICUU Global Chalice Lighting Words for March 2016
ICUU announces the 151st in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches (UK).

All around the world, the light of honest thought shines, showing people the path to their own authentic faith.

All around the world, the warmth of community glows, drawing people in from loneliness and estrangement.

All around the world, the flame of justice burns, inspiring people to acts of faith-filled courage.

Here, too, may the light and warmth of this chalice be to us a beacon of truth, generosity and compassion, that we may learn the ways of faith and love.

Rev. David Usher
First ICUU President
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April 2016

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Global Chalice Lighting for April 2016
ICUU announces the 152st in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Unitarisch-Universalistisches Forum Austria.

We live in a time of science,
we try very hard to understand the world around us
and think that by doing so
we can solve the miracle at the root of our existence.
As humanity reaches out for the farthest stars
should we not reach out as well
for something very near and still in our life
often farther than the farthest speck on the firmament:
to the heart of our fellow human beings?
The flame we are lighting now
shall be a beacon in the darkness that separates us.
It shall not only help us in uniting Unitarian Universalists across the world
but strengthen the treasured, miraculous bond
between all people that exists since the beginning of time.

--  Andreas Bolhar-Nordenkampf,  
Unitarisch-Universalistisches Forum Austria
Alex Alex
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May 2016

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Global Chalice Lighting for May 2016
ICUU announces the 153st in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Unitarian Universalist Association (USA).

We speak different languages.
We live on different continents.
And yet we share
a common love,
a common faith, and
a common destiny.
We share a commitment to create a world
where compassion guides us,
where all are cherished,
where all are free.

We light this chalice
in recognition of our enduring connections,
in honor of our shared legacy, and
in anticipation of the future we shall create together.

-- Peter Morales, Unitarian Universalist Association