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Global Chalice Lighting for June 2016
ICUU announces the 154st in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting is submitted in Kirundi, French, and English by the Assemblée des Chrétiens Unitariens du Burundi. KIRUNDI: Guhura kw’abantu kugurura imiryango myiinshi Kwinjira mu mico y’abandi no kugurikira uburyo bundi bwo gutahura no gukora ibintu. Kwitaho abandi bica birakura muri twebwe umutima wokwitanga uturoresha kubandi mu kubitangira atakwikunda kugiyemwo. Uno musi, muri aka gatondo, nitwatse iri tara ryo kugurukira abandi, yo gutangarira bishasha biduteza imbere eka mbere no gukorera hamwe gukomeye. --Fulgence Ndagijimana Assemblée des Chrétiens Unitariens du Burundi FRENCH: La rencontre entre les peoples renferme des possibilités inattendues Expériences culturelles et ouverture à de nouvelles façons de comprendre et de faire les choses. L’attention à l’autre se développe et un esprit de détachement nous tourne vers l’autre dans un service désintéressé. Aujourd’hui, ce matin, allumons une flamme d’ouverture à l’autre, de curiosité enrichissante et de coopération active. --Fulgence Ndagijimana Assemblée des Chrétiens Unitariens du Burundi ENGLISH: When people meet, endless possibilities emerge-- New cultural experiences and openness to new ways of understanding and doing things. A special attention to the other and a sense of service beyond self development. Today, this morning, let us light the chalice for openness, willingness to grow, enriching curiosity, and active cooperation. --Fulgence Ndagijimana Assemblée des Chrétiens Unitariens du Burundi |
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ICUU Global Chalice Lighting for July 2016
ICUU announces the 155st in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting is a special one from Vrijzinnigen Nederland, the Dutch ICUU Member Group, in honour of the ICUU Council Meeting and Conference in the Netherlands this month. NEDERLANDS (Original) Dat de overkant ons bruggen maakt Een droom ons wakker houdt Leed ons meer mens mag maken Dat we delen - en geheeld zijn From the author: I like it, when words start dancing and can be understood in different moods & ways. One of the ways to achieve this, is by being short. But let me explain what I tried to express. 1) Dat de overkant ons bruggen maakt I live in Rotterdam, right opposite the Erasmus bridge. I hope to be a pontifex. Primo Levi once stated (in The Wrench, where architect Faussone speaks) “I always considered that building bridges is the most beautiful job there is. Because you can be sure, that you won’t harm anyone; on the contrary: you do the right thing because roads go over them and without roads we would still be uncivilized. Bridges are the opposite from boundaries. Boundaries are where wars begin.” (Ik heb altijd gedacht dat bruggen bouwen het mooiste werk is dat er is. Omdat je zeker weet dat je er niemand kwaad mee doet, integendeel: je doet er goed mee, want over bruggen gaan wegen en zonder wegen zouden we nog wilden zijn; bruggen zijn het omgekeerde van grenzen, en grenzen zijn waar oorlog van komt.”) It is a kind of an exhortation, or if you want, a prayer which would sound like: (let us pray) that the opposite side inspires us to become bridge builders / inspire us to be a bridges; That opposites ask for/invite bridges. This is all meant in that first sentence. 2) “Een droom ons wakker houdt" This sentence deepens the first one at the same time as it is a complete new one. Mostly I’d like nice dreams, that keep me sleep. This dream of course is an ideal, a vision, a way of being, a quest. Jesus friends fell asleep, maybe with a smile on their tired faces. It means: let’s do the utmost to make this dream for unity in diversity come true. We have to keep our eyes open to read the signs. 3) Leed ons meer mens mag maken The grief part is obvious. I love the Londoner subway expression “Mind the gap”, because however much bridges we will build, I hope our differences will remain: There will always be a rift, a river, a gap. Realizing this, means: becoming a responsible adult, with all melancholy included. There’s no way avoiding trauma. I made these words up listening to Grieg’s Peer Gynt: Peer fled all of his life, until he realized that he was void. 4) The 4th sentence is probably impossible to translate. There is a pun in it: “Delen tot je heel wordt”. “Delen” in Dutch is both dividing (as in math) and sharing (like in Eucharist). “Heel” means both “complete”, “One” and “Healed” My best English would probably go like this: That the other side inspires to bridges That a dream keeps us awake That grief makes us human That we risk to become healed. Ivo de Jong, Rotterdam |
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ICUU Global Chalice Lighting Words for August 2016
Lengthening summer light does not lift the shadows that have fallen on humanity the world over. We re-light our chalice flame to re-ignite a spirit of radical optimism, Knowing it takes us all living what matters, to dispel those who would divide us. All manner of things will be well, if we make them well. May our chalice communities embody the right relationships our world so desperately needs. - Steve Dick, ICUU |
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ICUU Global Chalice Lighting for September 2016
ICUU announces the 157th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting comes from ICUU’s newest provisional member group – the Unitarian Universalist Church (Kenya). Swahili: Hii mwangaza iwe ishara ya upendo,tumaini na amani kote ulimwenguni. -- Ben Macharia, Chairman, Unitarian Universalist Church (Kenya) English: May this light be a beacon of love, hope and peace all over the world. -- Ben Macharia, Chairman, Unitarian Universalist Church (Kenya) |
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This chalice lighting was used by Jorge Espinel at the ICUU Council Meeting and Conference, July 2016, in the Netherlands. The words were adapted from a piece by Margaret Keip of the USA/UUA.
As surely as we belong to the universe, we belong together. We gather here to move beyond our isolated selves as we connect and reconnect with others. It is good to be together, for it is in our connections with each other that we come to to know ourselves more fully, and in that way to be more at home here on Earth, more open to the gifts each day brings. We light this chalice, symbol of our heritage of freedom in the search for truth, to encourage us once again to stay on this path of connectedness and openness. (From Margaret Keip, adapted) |
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Global Chalice Lighting
November 2016 English translation: The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao; The name that can be named is not the eternal Name. The unnamable is the eternally real. Naming is the origin of all particular things. Free from desire, you realize the mystery. Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations. Yet mystery and manifestations arise from the same source. This source is called Mystery. Mystery within Mystery, The gateway to all understanding. Chapter 1, Tao Te Ching, written by Lao-tzu Modified from a translation by S. Mitchell Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong (www.uuhk.org) Chinese: 道可道,非常道。名可名,非常名。 無名天地之始﹔有名萬物之母。 故常無,欲以觀其妙﹔常有,欲以觀其徼。 此兩者,同出而異名,同謂之玄。 玄之又玄,眾妙之門。 老子: 「道德經」: 第一章 Filipino translation: Ang daang maipagsasabi ay hindi ang panlabas na Daan. Ang pangalang maibibigay ay hindi ang wagas na Pangalan. Ang di matatagurian ay wagas na tunay. Ang pagpapangalan ay simulain ng lahat ng mga natatanging bagay. Ligtas sa pagnanasa, matatamo ang hiwaga. Nakapulupot sa pagnanasa, matatamo lamang ay mga tanda. Ngunit ang hiwaga at ang mga tanda ay nagmumula sa iisang pinagmulan. Ang tawag sa pinagmulan ay Hiwaga. Hiwaga sa loob ng Hiwaga. Ang pasukan ng lahat ng pagunawa. Chapter 1, Tao Te Ching, written by Lao-tzu German translation: Das All-Eine, das benannt werden kann, ist nicht das ewige All-Eine. Auch Namen können ihm nicht gerecht werden. Das Unnennbare ist das ewig Wirkliche. Das Benennen ist der Ursprung aller Missverständnisse. Bist du frei von Wünschen, erahnst du das Geheimnis. Bist du gefangen in Wünschen, siehst du nur seine Ausdrucksformen. Jedoch entspringen das Geheimnis und seine Ausdrucksformen derselben Quelle. Diese Quelle wird das große Geheimnis genannt. Das Geheimnis inmitten des noch tieferen Geheimnisses ist der Weg zu allem Verstehen. Chapter 1, Tao Te Ching, written by Lao-tzu Thank you to our translators: Adam Hargrove (Chinese), Rev. Tet Gallardo (Filipino), and (Frey Bednarski-Stelling (German) Rev. Sara Ascher, Executive Director International Council of Unitarians & Universalists | www.icuu.info |
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These are shared from Rev. Lisa Doege, a UU minister in Hanska, Minnesota United States
A flaming chalice: The cup of life… A cup of blessings overflowing. A cup of water to quench our spirits’ thirst. A cup of wine for celebration and dedication. The flame of truth. The fire of purification. Oil for anointing, healing. Out of chaos, fear, and disquiet, the symbol was crafted, a generation ago. So may it be for us, in these days of uncertainty, and doubt. A light to warm our souls and to guide us home. (adapted) -- Rev. Lisa Doege, UU minister, Hanska, Minnesota, United States |
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In Celebration of 13 January 2017: Day of Religious Freedom
January 2017 Global Chalice Lighting Words: offered to us by the Hungarian Unitarian Church We light this chalice in remembrance of those who laid down the foundation of our communities in the spirit of freedom, love and tolerance, to remember that true light will outshine darkness: “Faith is the gift of God. The true signs of faith are an inner purity and love and an honest life and good deeds. Love is the ultimate interpretation and completion of the law. According to Jesus love is the plenitude of the law. Love is a royal commandment. Love is the true freedom, which does not bear the bondage of fear. Love is the creative spirit of the world, the highest treasure of humankind.” (Francis David, founder of the Hungarian Unitarian Church – XVIth century) -- Rev. Sara Ascher, Executive Director International Council of Unitarians & Universalists | www.icuu.info The mission of the ICUU is to empower existing and emerging member groups to sustain and grow our global faith community |
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February 2017 Global Chalice Lighting Words:
Offered to us by the Religious Society of Czech Unitarians English May on Earth, only good and useful fires burn; May the flames be not the source destruction, but a friend; May the light of this flame remind us the path of peace and wisdom. Czech Kéž na zemi hoří jen prospěšné, dobré a užitečné ohně, Kéž živým tvorům není plamen zdrojem zkázy, ale přítelem, Kéž nám jeho světlo připomíná cestu míru a moudrosti. -- Rev. Sara Ascher, Executive Director International Council of Unitarians & Universalists | www.icuu.info The mission of the ICUU is to empower existing and emerging member groups to sustain and grow our global faith community |
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Offered to us by Uwayisaba Clement from the Rwanda Unitarian Church
We light this chalice in union with those who are suffering because of their belief, of poverty, sickness, unemployment, persecution, exile, prison; for the absent, those who are dying, to those who are burdened by work. May love, joy and peace reign in the world and may freedom and tolerance be our virtues. -- Rev. Sara Ascher Executive Director International Council of Unitarians & Universalists | www.icuu.info The mission of the ICUU is to empower existing and emerging member groups to sustain and grow our global faith community |
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Global Chalice Lighting
from International Council of Unitarians and Universalists ICUU Global Chalice Lighting: April 2017 The words of Charles Eddis offered to us by the Canadian Unitarian Council The World May the world that is one in its life, a rich blue top spinning in the endless night of space, a world that is one in its interdependence and fragility, be one in our hearts and minds and deeds also. French Le Monde Que le monde qui est unique, qui évolve dans l'immensité profonde et bleue de l'univers, le monde qui se complète, interdépendant et fragile, soit entier dans nos coeurs, nos esprits et nos actes. |
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May 2017
Global Chalice Lighting Words: The words of Aleks Zglinska offered to us by the British Unitarians A sacred flame burns in my heart, tells me I'm one, sets me apart. Helps me to find that which is true, in reaching out to you. Once we're a few a brighter light cuts through the darkness of the night. In these connections we shall see, strength in community. The light we find in others hearts brings us together. Then we start, transforming lives and making friends with this the light will never end. -- Rev. Sara Ascher, Executive Director International Council of Unitarians & Universalists | www.icuu.info PO Box 1434 Framingham, Ma 01701 USA The mission of the ICUU is to empower existing and emerging member groups to sustain and grow our global faith community |
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June 2017
Global Chalice Lighting Words: The words of this month’s Global Chalice Lighting are the text of the theme song of the first gathering of Unitarians and Universalists all over Europe: European Unitarians Together (EUT) "Glaube ohne Grenzen?" ("Faith without borders?") written by Martha Hicks, Frank Kubitschek, Andrea Offner, Roland Weber. English: Let’s stand together meeting eye to eye, different creeds and cultures praise diversity. What we have in common, we shall keep in mind. Deutsch: Glaube ohne Grenzen, brüderlich und frei, Étant differents, et ce pendant a mis! Lasst uns ergründen, was uns alle eint! |
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Global Chalice Lighting Words: August 2017
The words of this month’s Global Chalice Lighting are from Lizette Oliver on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Cape Town Unitarian Church, South Africa: 1867 - 2017 In the shadow of sacred mountains, we, the assembled Unitarians, light this Chalice, marking this dedicated sacred time together. We do so with intent, recognising the Mystery and Wonder of Life, the wisdom of all religions, the dignity of All and our Earth Home, and our joint search for Justice. This flame unites us symbolically with Unitarians and Unitarian Universalists internationally; it honors our heritage, our future and the consciousness of this moment. So may it be. Rev. Sara Ascher Executive Director International Council of Unitarians & Universalists www.icuu.info PO Box 1434 Framingham, Ma 01701 USA ![]() |
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The words of Arthur Waskow from the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
We are the generation that stands between the fires. Behind us the flame and smoke that rose from Auschwitz and from Hiroshima, Before us the nightmare of a Flood of Fire, The flame and smoke that consume all earth. It is our task to make from fire not an all consuming blaze but the light in which we see each other fully, all of us different, all of us bearing One Spark. We light these fires to see more clearly that the earth and all who live as part of it are not for burning. We light these fires to see more clearly the rainbow in our many-colored faces. Blessed is the One within the many, blessed are the Many who make one. |
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Global Chalice Lighting from International Council of Unitarians and Universalists Global Chalice Lighting October 2017
The words of Rev. Harrison Kingsley minister of the Unitarian Christian Church of Chennai, India Tamil நாம் இந்த தீபத்தை ஏற்றும்போது நாம் அன்பின் ஐக்கியத்தோடு இணைக்கபட்டுள்ளதை உணர்வோமாக.நம் மனம்,உடல்,ஆன்மாவிலிருந்து இருள் அகன்றுபோவதாக.இந்த தொழுகையில் பங்குபெறும் நாம் நம்மை உண்டாக்கியவர் நமக்கு கொடுத்துள்ள அன்பையும்,பெலனையும் நினைவுகூருவோமாக!நமக்குள்ளான மனிதத்தன்மை நமக்கு புதிய நம்பிக்கையை கொடுக்கட்டும்.உண்மையுடனும்,முழு சிந்தையுடனும் தேவனை தொழுதுகொள்ளும் நாம் அன்பையும்,நன்மைகளையும் பிறருக்கு கொடுக்கும்படி அன்பினால் கட்டப்படுவோமாக Naam indha deepathai yetrumbodhu naam anbin ikeeyathodu enaikappatulladhai unarvom.nam manam,udal,aanmaavilirundhu irul agandrupovadhaga.Indha thozhugaiyil panguperum naam nammai undaakiyavar namakku koduthhulla anbaiyum,belanaiyum ninaivukooruvomaaga!Namakullaana manidhathanmai namakku puthiya nambikkaiyai kodukattum.unmaiyudanum,muzhu sindhaiyudanum Devanai thozhuddhukollum naam anbaiyum,nanmaigalaiyum pirarukku kodukumpadi anbinaal kattappaduvomaaga. English As we light the Chalice, an expression of joining ourselves in the warmth of our community and fellowship, in oneness, to dispel the darkness from our mind and body and soul. We rejuvenate and rekindle the assurance of God’s love and the strengthening of ourselves with Divine grace and participate in this hour of worship and adoration, humbling our humanness and bringing New Hope along with the illuminating Chalice. |
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The words of Rev. Tet Gallardo minister in the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Philippines
Filipino: "Minsan Isang Sandali" Kung minsan may kaseguruhan, kung minsan may pagtataka, kung minsan may pagbabadya, kung minsan may pagkabigo, kung minsan may simula, kung minsan may katapusan, kung minsan may pahinga at walang kailangang gawin, ngunit tayo’y laging magiging bahagi ng pag-inog ng mundo, sa ating pagkabuhay man o pagkamatay, maging alikabok man tayo na lumulutang sa tubig, o maging hininga o maging abong nasa hangin matapos kainin ng apoy. Ang mahalaga ay ang minutong ito, ang sandaling itong magkakasama, kung saan tayo ay mamamalagi na mistulang walang hanggan. English: "Sometimes A Moment" Sometimes there is certainty, sometimes wonder, sometimes something’s looming, and sometimes there is loss. Sometimes there is a start, sometimes an end, sometimes there is rest and nothing needs doing. But we will always be part of the world going round, even in life or death, should we be dust floating on the water, or breath or ash in the wind after it’s been eaten by flames. What is important is this minute, this moment together, where we shall remain as if it wouldn’t end. |
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The words of Rev. Aryanto Nugroho, minister in the Unitarian Christian Church of Indonesia
Indonesian: Saat gelap, kita terkungkung rasa takut, maka nyalakanlah harapan dalam jiwa Saat gelap, kita penuh kecurigaan dan prasangka buruk pada sesama, maka nyalakanlah kasih dalam hati Saat gelap, kita kehilangan sadar mana yang baik dan mana yang jahat, maka nyalakanlah hikmat dalam nurani Saat gelap, kita merasa bisa berbuat semau kita tanpa ingat Sang Maha Suci dan sesama, maka nyalakanlah iman yang dipenuhi kebenaran Gelap ada saat kita abai menyalakan terang Gelap tak bisa diusir dengan marah dan geram, sebab gelap akan sirna jika kita menyalakan terang Saat kita menyalakan lentera kita dalam ibadah ini, Marilah tak hanya mengundang terang bagi mata jasmani, tetapi selalu undang terang bagi mata rohani Yang akan memerdekakan hati, serta membawa kebijaksanaan dan kebahagiaan sejati English: When it is dark, we are surrounded by fear, so light hope in your soul. When it is dark, we are full of distrust and prejudice to the others, so light love in your heart. When it is dark, we lose awareness of good and evil, so light wisdom in your conscience. When it is dark, we feel that we can do whatever we want, without remembering The Most Holy One and our neighbors, so light faith that is fulfilled with truth. Darkness exist when we forget to turn on the light. Darkness cannot be expelled with our anger and wrath, because darkness will be gone when we turn on the light When we light up our chalice in this worship, Let us not only welcoming the light for our physical eyes, but always invite the light for our spiritual eyes. A light that will free our heart, bringing wisdom and real happiness. |
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In celebration of the 450th Anniversary of the Edict of Torda
13 January 2018 Offered to us by the Hungarian Unitarian Church Hungarian A lángot azok emlékére gyújtjúk, akik előttünk járva, alapot vetettek közösségeinknek a szabadság, a szeretet, a türelem szellemében és bizonyságot tettek arról, hogy a fény legyőzi a sötétséget. "A hit isten ajándéka. A hitnek ismertető igaz jele a benső tisztaság, a szeretet, a külső jámbor élet és jó cselekedetek. A szeretet a törvény összessége és vége. Krisztus szerint a törvény teljessége a szeretetben áll. A szeretet királyi törvény. A szeretet a valódi szabadság, mihez a szolgaság félelme nem járul. A szeretet a világ éltető lelke, a jók legföbb kincse ." (Dávid Ferenc) English We light this chalice in remembrance of those who laid down the foundation of our communities in the spirit of freedom, love and tolerance, to remember that true light will outshine darkness: "Faith is the gift of God. The true signs of faith are an inner purity and love and an honest life and good deeds. Love is the ultimate interpretation and completion of the law. According to Jesus love is the plenitude of the law. Love is a royal commandment. Love is the true freedom, which does not bear the bondage of fear. Love is the creative spirit of the world, the highest treasure of humankind." (Francis David, founder of the Hungarian Unitarian Church – XVIth century) |
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The words of Rev. Nangroi Suting
Minister and General Secretary of Unitarian Union of Northeast India Khasi Ngi kynthah ding ia kane ka Chalice ba kynja mynsiem ba kan pynshai ia ki mynsiem bad ki jingmut jingpyrkhat jong ngi baroh. Ngi kynthah ding ba kan nang pynrhem, pynsyaid bad nang tyngshain ha kito kiba la ioh ia ka. Ngi kynthah ding ba kan ioh ai ia u symbai jingshai sha kiwei pat ki bym pat shem bad lap ia ka. Ngi kynthah ding ba kane ka jingshai ba kynja mynsiem kan wanrah ia ka jingiasnoh bad jingiadei kaba khlain hapdeng u briew para briew bad ruh ka mynsiem ba kyntang. Ai ba kane ka jingshai kan nang ai bor ia ngi ba ngin nangtur shakhmat ha lynti jingim ban ngin ioh ia ka jingim ba pynhun mynsiem. Amen. English We light this divine chalice to enlighten our souls and all our thoughts. We light this chalice to inspire, to feel its warmth and brighten those who have received it. We light this chalice to spread its spiritual seed to those who have not found it. We light this chalice to bring close connection and strong relationship between us humanity and with the Divine Spirit. Let this light empower and strengthen us to move ahead and to attain the ultimate goal of a contented life within ourselves. Amen. |
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