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Here is the 113th in the monthly series of Global Chalice Lightings from the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists, for use during January 2013. It is submitted by the Unitarian Church in Hungary.
Hol hit ott szeretet, Hol szeretet ott béke, Hol béke ott áldás, Hol áldás ott Isten Hol Isten ott szükség nincsen. Where there is Faith there is Love. Where there is Love there is Peace. Where there is Peace there is Blessing Where there is Blessing there is God Where there is God there is no Need. Hungarian Home Blessing submitted by the Unitarian Church in Hungary http://www.unitarius.hu |
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Attached and below is the 113th in the monthly series of Global Chalice Lightings from the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists, for use during February 2013. It is submitted by the Eglise unitarienne francophone.
Embraser le monde danser avec cette flamme toujours rallumée la revoir briller dans nos yeux quand nous nous recueillions ensemble l'espérer dans d'autres regards, pas encore croisés, afin qu'aucun être ne manque à son appel Résister à l'ennui, au découragement, à la litanie de nos propres manquements et des injustices du monde et transfigurer le monde au fond de nos cœurs afin d'en percevoir la beauté à sa lumière Setting the world ablaze dancing along with the ever rekindled flame I can still see it in our eyes as we were sharing our prayers and hope to see it shining in new eyes, yet unknown that no being may be missing Let us resist despondency and boredom and the litany of our own failures and of the injustices of the world and transfigure the world inside of our hearts that me may perceive its beauty in its light - Samantha Fink submitted by the Eglise unitarienne francophone (EUfr) http://eglise.unitarienne.francophone.over-blog.fr |
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Attached and below is the 115th in the monthly series of Global Chalice Lightings from the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists, for use during March 2013. It is submitted by the Unitarian Universalist Society of Finland.
Olemme kokoontuneet tänne sytyttämään liekin, joka symboloi vapautta - ilmaisun, uskonnon ja muita yksilön perusvapauksia. Liekki, joka tuo valoa, auttaa näkemään ja poistaa pimeyden. Liekki, joka lämmittää kun on kylmä joko ulkona tai sydämessämme. We have gathered here to light the chalice with a flame that symbolizes freedom--of expression, faith and other individual liberties. Flame that brings light, helps us to see and fends off the darkness. Flame that warms us up when it is cold, either outside or in our hearts. Unitarian Universalist Society of Finland http://www.netlife.fi/~nl02067/uu |
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Attached and below is the 116th in ICUU's monthly series of global chalice lighting readings. This Global Chalice Lighting is submitted by the Indian Council of Unitarian Churches for April 2013.
KHASI: U Blei u dei u tynrai jong ki jingtip baroh. Ai ba ka jingnang jingstad kan weng noh ia ka jingdum bad ai ba ngin sngewthuh ba ka jingnang jingstad ka dei ka spah ba hapoh u briew, kaba lah ban pynioh ia u ia ki jingjop bashabar jong u.Da kaba thang ia ka sharak ai ba ngin pyndem ialade ha ka jingnang jingstad kum ka spah bakhraw tam. Ka jingnang jingstad ka kyrshan ia ki kam jongngi, la ki babha lane ki basniew. Namarkata, ngi thang ia kane ka sharak kum ka jingsakhi ia ki jingmut jingpyrkhat bad ki kam ki jongngi. Ka ding ha ka sharak ka meh shalor; ha kajuh ka rukom, ngi dei ban pdiang ia ka jaid jingstad ka ban kyntiew ia ki jingthrang jingangnud jongngi shajrong. Haba kynthah da ka jingstad ba kynja mynsiem,baroh ki jingling basniew jongngi ki briew ki ing noh suki suki, bad ka malade ruh ka jah noh. Ka jingnang jingstad kam duna haba ngi iasam ia ka bad kiwei pat; ha ka jingshisha, ka pynmyntoi ia baroh ar—ia u nongsam bad ia u nongiohpdiang. ENGLISH: God is the Knowledge Principle. May knowledge remove ignorance and may we realize that knowledge is a lasting inner wealth by which all outer achievements can be accomplished. By lighting the chalice may we bow down to knowledge as the greatest of all forms of wealth. Knowledge backs our actions, whether good or bad. We therefore light this chalice as a witness to our thoughts and actions. The flame of the chalice burns upwards; similarly, we should acquire such knowledge as to take us towards higher ideals. When lit by spiritual knowledge, the negative tendencies in a human being get slowly exhausted, and the ego too finally perishes. Knowledge does not lessen when shared; on the contrary, it benefits both the giver and the receiver. |
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Attached and below is the 117th in ICUU's monthly series of global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to participate. We invite each congregation to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “Global Chalice Lighting” for that month and naming the group which submitted it. Readings will be circulated in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and, where different, in their original language. This Global Chalice Lighting is submitted by the Canadian Unitarian Council for May 2013.
ENGLISH: The World May the world that is one in its life, a rich blue top spinning in the endless night of space, a world that is one in its interdependence and fragility, be one in our hearts and minds and deeds also. – Charles Eddis FRENCH: Le Monde Que le monde qui est unique, qui évolve dans l'immensité profonde et bleue de l'univers, le monde qui se complète, interdépendant et fragile, soit entier dans nos coeurs, nos esprits et nos actes. GERMAN: Die Welt Möge die Welt, all deren Leben miteinander verbunden, ja eines ist, die ein vielfältiges, blaues Wunder ist, das sich in der endlosen Nacht des Weltraumes dreht, eine Welt, die in all ihrer Zerbrechlichkeit und ihren wechselseitigen Abhängigkeiten letztlich doch eine Ganzheit ist, auch spürbar eine Einheit sein in unseren Herzen, unserem Sinn und unserem Tun. ITALIAN: il Mondo Possa il mondo, che è uno nella sua vita, una ricca trottola blu nella notte infinita dello spazio, un mondo che è uno nella sua interdipendenza e fragilità, possa essere uno solo nei nostri cuori, nelle nostre menti e nelle nostre azioni. SPANISH: El mundo Que el mundo que es uno en su vida, una rica cubierta azul que da vueltas sin fin en la noche del espacio, un mundo que es uno con su interdependencia y fragilidad, sea también uno en nuestros corazones y nuestras acciones. With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Gianluca Alfieri (Italian), Jean-Claude Barbier (French), Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German), Francisco JavierLagunes Gaitán (Spanish) |
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Global Chalice Lighting for July 2013
The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists announces the 119th in its monthly series of global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to participate. We invite each congregation to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “Global Chalice Lighting” for that month and naming the group which submitted it. This Global Chalice Lighting was submitted by the European Unitarian Universalists for use in July 2013. ENGLISH: As others before us have sought to make ordinary times special by lighting a candle, We now seek to transform this ordinary time Into a special and sacred one By lighting the flaming chalice, symbol of our free religious heritage. —Penny Hackett-Evans |
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ICUU Global Chalice Lighting August 2013
Attached and below is the 120th in ICUU’s monthly series of global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to participate. We invite each congregation to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “Global Chalice Lighting” for that month and naming the group which submitted it. Readings will be circulated in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and, where different, in their original language. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Unitarian Universalist Association in the USA and is intended for use in August 2013. ENGLISH: As we light this chalice, we recollect the power enlightenment brings to the shadows of ignorance, the hope compassion brings to the heaviness of oppression, the warmth community brings to the loneliness of isolation. May this chalice inspire us to embody in our own lives enlightenment, compassion, and community, that we may encourage all who would seek to work together for the transformation of our bruised and hurting world. —Ned Wight FRENCH: En allumant ce calice, rappelons nous ce qu’apportent le pouvoir de la lumière contre les ombres de l'ignorance, la compassion pleine d’espérance en face du poids de l'oppression, la communauté chaleureuse qui rompe la solitude de l'isolement. Que ce calice nous inspire afin de concrétiser dans nos propres vies la lumière, la compassion et la communauté, que nous puissions encourager tous ceux qui cherchent à travailler ensemble pour transformer notre monde meurtri et blessé. -- Ned Wight GERMAN: Wenn wir diese Flammenschale entzünden entsinnen wir uns der Kraft, die Aufklärung den Schatten der Unwissenheit entgegensetzt, der Hoffnung, die Mitgefühl der Last der Unterdrückung gibt, der Wärme, die Gemeinschaft in die Einsamkeit der Isolation bringt. Möge diese Flamme uns dazu ermutigen in unserem eigenen Umfeld Aufklärung, Mitgefühl und Gemeinschaft zu leben um all jene zu ermutigen, die sich darum bemühen, sich mit anderen zusammen einzusetzen für eine Umgestaltung unserer geschundenen und verletzten Welt. -- Ned Wight ITALIAN Nel momento in cui accendiamo questo calice, noi raccogliamo la forza che l'illuminazione porta nelle ombre dell'ignoranza, la speranza che la compassione porta nella pesantezza dell'oppressione, il calore che l'essere comunità porta nella solitudine e nell'isolamento. Possa questo calice ispirarci ad incarnare nella nostra vita l'illuminazione, la compassione e l'essere comunità, in modo da incoraggiare coloro che insieme vogliono lavorare per cambiare il nostro mondo ferito e dolorante. -- Ned Wight SPANISH Al encender este cáliz, recordamos el poder que la luz lleva a las sombras de la ignorancia, la esperanza que la compasión lleva al pesar de la opresión, el calor que la comunidad lleva a la soledad del aislamiento. Que este cáliz nos inspire hoy a incorporar a nuestras vidas luz, compasión y comunidad, que dé fuerzas a todos los que aspiran a trabajar juntos por la transformación de nuestro maltrecho y herido mundo. -- Ned Wight With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Jean-Claude Barbier (French), and Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German), Paola Ferrari (Italian) and Jaume de Marcos (Spanish) |
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Attached and below is the 121th in ICUU’s monthly series of global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to participate. We invite each congregation to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “Global Chalice Lighting” for that month and naming the group which submitted it. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches in the UK and is intended for use in September 2013.
ENGLISH: We light this chalice to mark the commencement of our Unitarian and Universalist service of witness. By this simple act of lighting a flame we are activating a symbol of our solidarity with a noble line of freedom of thought that is relevant today and necessary for the future of all humanity. By this simple act we are identifying with a world-wide community of fellow believers who seek to enrich the world by their peaceful and tolerant commitment to Unitarian and Universalist principles. —British General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches FRENCH: Nous allumons ce calice au début de chacun de nos cultes unitariens et universalistes afin de témoigner. Par ce simple geste qui consiste à allumer une flamme, nous activons en effet le symbole d’une noble tradition de liberté de penser en sachant que celle-ci est plus que jamais nécessaire de nos jours et pour l’avenir de toute l’Humanité. Par ce simple geste nous adhérons à une communauté mondiale de croyants, lesquels contribuent à enrichir le Monde par leurs engagements pacifiques et tolérants selon les principes unitariens et universalistes. —British General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches GERMAN: Wir entzünden diesen Leuchter um daran zu erinnern, dass Unitarier und Universalisten begannen, Zeugnis für religiöse Freiheit und für Geistesfreiheit abzulegen. Durch diese schlichte Handlung des Entzündens einer Flamme sprechen wir ein Sinnbild unserer Solidarität mit einer großartigen Form der Gedankenfreiheit an, die heute von Bedeutung und notwendig für die Zukunft der Menschheit ist. Durch diese schlichte Handlung identifizieren wir uns mit einer weltweiten Gemeinschaft von Glaubensfreunden, die sich bemühen die Welt durch ihr friedliches und tolerantes Engagement für Unitarisch-Universalistische Grundsätze zu bereichern. —British General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches ITALIAN Accendiamo questo calice per segnare l'inizio del nostro servizio di testimonianza Unitariana e Universalista. Grazie a questo semplice gesto, l' accensione di una fiamma, noi attiviamo un simbolo che ci collega ad una nobile linea di libertà di pensiero, importante oggi e necessaria per il futuro di tutta l'umanità. Grazie a questo semplice gesto, noi ci identifichiamo con una comunità mondiale di credenti che cercano di arricchire il mondo grazie al loro pacifico e tollerante impegno verso i principi Unitariani e Universalisti. -- Assemblea Generale Britannica delle Chiese Unitariane e delle Chiese Libere SPANISH Encendemos este cáliz para señalar el comienzo de nuestro servicio de testimonio unitario y universalista. Con este simple acto de prender una llama simbolizamos nuestra solidaridad con una noble línea de librepensamiento que es relevante para el presente y necesaria para el futuro de la Humanidad. Con este simple acto nos identificamos con una comunidad mundial de creyentes que aspiran a enriquecer el mundo con su compromiso pacífico y tolerante con los principios unitarios y universalista. --- Asamblea General de Iglesias Unitarias y Cristianas Libres de Gran Bretaña (With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Jean-Claude Barbier (French), and Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German), Paola Ferrari (Italian) and Jaume de Marcos (Spanish).) |
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Attached and below are the ICUU Global Chalice Lighting Words for October 2013
Global Chalice Lighting for October 2013 The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists announces the 122nd in its monthly series of global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to participate. We invite each congregation to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “Global Chalice Lighting” for that month and naming the group which submitted it. This Global Chalice Lighting was submitted by the Danish Unitarian Church and is suggested for use in October 2013. ENGLISH: When life seems heavy and dark, and you feel very sad – Light a candle! When life seems light and wonderful, and you feel like hugging the world – Light a candle! Let this flame represent precisely the candle you need to light at this very moment. —Lene Lund Shoemaker, submitted by the Danish Unitarian Church DANISH: Når livet synes trist og mørkt - så tænd et lys! Når livet synes let og vidunderligt, og du har lyst til at omfavne alverden - så tænd et lys! Lad denne flamme symbolisere det lys du har brug for at tænde netop nu. —Lene Lund Shoemaker, submitted by the Danish Unitarian Church FRENCH: Lorsque la vie vous semble particulièrement pesante et sombre, et que vous vous sentez très triste - Alors, allumez une bougie ! Mais quand la vie semble légère et merveilleuse, et que vous vous sentez capable d’étreindre le monde entier - Allumez aussi une bougie ! Que la flamme de notre calice représente la bougie que vous devez précisément allumer en ce moment là. —Lene Lund Shoemaker, submitted by the Danish Unitarian Church GERMAN: Wenn das Leben schwer und dunkel erscheint und du dich traurig fühlst- Entzünde eine Kerze! Wenn das Leben leicht und wundervoll erscheint und du die ganze Welt umarmen könntest: Entzünde eine Kerze! Lass diese Flamme genau das Licht sein, das du in diesem Moment brauchst! —Lene Lund Shoemaker, submitted by the Danish Unitarian Church ITALIAN Quando la vita sembra essere dura e buia, e ti senti molto triste, accendi una candela, Quando la vita sembra essere leggera e meravigliosa, e senti di voler abbracciare il mondo, accendi una candela! Lascia che questa fiamma rappresenti esattamente la candela che hai bisogno di accendere in questo preciso momento. Lene Lund Shoemaker, Chiesa Unitariana Danese SPANISH Cuando la vida parezca dura y oscura y te sientas triste... ¡Prende una vela! Cuando la vida parezca fácil y maravillosa y tengas ganas de abrazar el mundo... ¡Prende una vela! Que esta llama represente esa vela que debes encender en este preciso momento. —Lene Lund Shoemaker, Iglesia Unitaria de Dinamarca (With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Jean-Claude Barbier (French), and Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German), Paola Ferrari (Italian) and Jaume de Marcos (Spanish).) |
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Attached and below are the ICUU Global Chalice Lighting Words for November 2013
Global Chalice Lighting for November 2013 The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists announces the 123rd in its monthly series of global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to participate. We invite each congregation to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “Global Chalice Lighting” for that month and naming the group which submitted it. This Global Chalice Lighting was submitted by the Religious SocietyCzech Unitarians and is suggested for use in November 2013. ENGLISH: May this flame go up and remind us that our faith is good: every one of us can bring love to the world. May this chalice burn with clear flame as a symbol of our path: every one of us can have joy, peace and harmony in our hearts. May through this flame the wisdom of ages speak to us and stay in us: every one of us can be a blessing to the world. —Petr Samojsky, submitted by the Religious Society of Czech Unitarians CZECH Necht horí tento plamen a pripomíná nám, ze nase víra je dobrá: kazd_ z nás muze svetu prináset dobro a lásku. Necht horí tento kalich jasn_m plamenem jako symbol nasí cesty: kazd_ z nás muze v srdci mít radost, mír a pokoj. Necht v tomto plameni k nám moudrost veku promluví a zustane v nás: kazd_ z nás muze b_t svetu pozehnáním. —Petr Samojsky, submitted by the Religious Society of Czech Unitarians FRENCH: Que cette flamme monte et nous rappelle combien notre foi est bonne : chacun d'entre nous peut en effet apporter de l'amour au monde entier. Que ce calice brûle d’une flamme claire comme symbole de notre chemin : chacun d'entre nous peut apporter joie, paix et harmonie avec son coeur. Puisse cette flamme à travers la sagesse des générations nous parler et demeurer en nous : chacun de nous peut alors être une bénédiction pour le monde. - Petr Samojsky, présenté par la Société religieuse des unitariens tchèques GERMAN: Möge diese Flamme auflodern und uns daran erinnern, dass unser Glaube gut ist: jeder von uns kann Liebe in die Welt bringen. Möge die Kerze dieses Leuchters mit einer klaren Flamme brennen als ein Sinnbild unseres Weges: jeder von uns kann Freude, Frieden und Harmonie in seinem Herzen haben. Möge durch diese Flamme jahrhundertealtes Wissen zu uns sprechen und in uns bleiben: jeder von uns kann ein Segen für die Welt sein. — Petr Samojsky, submitted by the Religious Society of Czech Unitarians ITALIAN Possa questa fiamma salire verso l'alto, e ricordarci che la nostra fede è buona: ognuno di noi può portare amore al mondo. Possa questo calice ardere di una fiamma luminosa, come simbolo del nostro cammino: ognuno di noi può avere gioia, pace, armonia, nel suo cuore. Possa la saggezza del tempo parlare attraverso questa fiamma, e restare con noi: ognuno di noi può essere una benedizione per il mondo. —Petr Samojsky Inviato dalla Società Religiosa degli Unitariani Cechi SPANISH Que esta llama se eleve y nos recuerde la bondad de nuestra fe: todos podemos traer amor al mundo. Que este cáliz arda con una llama nítida como símbolo de nuestro camino: todos podemos tener alegría, paz y armonía en nuestros corazones. Que a través de esta llama, la sabiduría de los tiempos nos hable y permanezca en nosotros: todos podemos ser una bendición para el mundo. —Petr Samojsky, submitted by the Religious Society of Czech Unitarians (With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Jean-Claude Barbier (French), and Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German), Paola Ferrari (Italian) and Jaume de Marcos (Spanish).) |
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Global Chalice Lighting for December 2013
Just as the sun bathes us in its light, its warmth and its love, so may the spirit of this chalice bless us with truth, life, and love. Derek McCullough Australian and New Zealand Unitarian Association |
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Global Chalice Lighting Words for January 2014
The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists announces the 125th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to participate and to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the "ICUU Global Chalice Lighting" for that month and naming the group which submitted it. ENGLISH: Breath of the divine, light a flame of reflection in all that we do. Breath of creation, light a flame of connection in our circle of care. Breath of wonder, light a flame of inspiration to cultivate participation. Breath of fear, light a flame of courage to be who we are: sentient, vulnerable, and diverse. Breath of this moment, light a flame of celebration for our future unfolds the covenant of this day. —Janet Vickers, submitted by the Canadian Unitarian Council FRENCH: Souffle du divin, donnez vie à la flamme de la réflexion pour découvrir le sens profond de nos actes. Souffle de la création, donnez vie à la flamme de la compassion pour créer des liens qui nous unissent. Souffle de l'émerveillement, donnez vie à la flamme de l'inspiration pour nous inciter à la participation active de tout notre être. Souffle de la peur, donnez vie à la flamme du courage pour être qui nous sommes : consciencieux, vulnérables et diversifiés. Souffle du moment, donnez vie à la flamme de la celebration pour que notre avenir puisse se déployer grâce à notre engagement d'aujourd'hui. —Janet Vickers, submitted by the Canadian Unitarian Council GERMAN: Atem des Göttlichen, entzünde eine Flamme der Nachdenklichkeit bei allem, was wir tun. Atem der Schöpfung, entzünde eine Flamme der Verbindung in unserem Kreis der Anteilnahme. Atem des Wunders, entzünde eine Flamme der Inspiration, um die Bereitschaft zur Mitwirkung zu fördern Atem der Furcht, entzünde eine Flamme des Mutes, damit wir die sein können, die wir sind: empfindsam, verletzlich und unterschiedlich. Atem dieses Augenblicks, entzünde eine Flamme der Feier, die uns heute anspornt die Zukunft zu gestalten. —Janet Vickers, submitted by the Canadian Unitarian Council ITALIAN Respiro del divino, accendi una fiamma di riflessione in tutto ciò che facciamo, Respiro della creazione, accendi una fiamma di connessione nel cerchio di coloro che amiamo Respiro di meraviglia, accendi una fiamma di ispirazione per coltivare partecipazione Respiro di paura, accendi una fiamma di coraggio per essere ciò che siamo: esseri senzienti, vulnerabili, tra loro diversi. Respiro di questo momento, accendi una fiamma di festa perchè il nostro futuro dispiega l'alleanza di questo giorno. -Janet Vickers, presentata dal Consiglio Unitario canadese SPANISH Aliento de lo divino, enciende una llama de reflexión en todo lo que hacemos. Aliento de la creación, enciende una llamada de conexión en nuestro círculo de protección. Aliento de lo maravilloso, enciende una llama de inspiración para cultivar la participación. Aliento del miedo, enciende una llama de valor para ser quienes somos: sensibles, vulnerables y diversos. Aliento de este momento, enciende una llama de celebración para que nuestro futuro despliegue nuestra alianza de hoy. —Janet Vickers, enviado por el Consejo Unitario de Canadá (With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Jean-Claude Barbier (French), and Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German), Paola Ferrari (Italian) and Jaume de Marcos (Spanish).) |
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Global Chalice Lighting for February 2014
The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists announces the 126th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to participate and to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month and naming the group which submitted it. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Unitarian Church of South Africa and is suggested for use in February 2014. ENGLISH: As we gather in the shadow of our mountain, The ocean laps around our feet. We reach deep for the silence within. Feel the rhythm of the ancient drum. We light our flame, it lifts us high. Our rainbow seems alight. Diverse as we are Together as one! Our flame will shine afar And guide our journey's light. —Karien van der Walt submitted by the Unitarian Church of South Africa AFRIKAANS: Ons vergader in die skadu van ons berg. Branders spoel om ons heen! Ons streef na dieper inner stilte. Voel die ritme van eeu ou trom. Die aansteek van ons vlam, dit hef ons hoog! Ons reenboog skyn verlig! Uiteenlopend soos ons is, tersame as een. Gloeiend is ons vlam van ver, dit lei ons reistog's pad. —Karien van der Walt submitted by the Unitarian Church of South Africa FRENCH: Comme nous nous réunissons à l'ombre de notre montagne, l'océan clapote à nos pieds. Nous parvenons ainsi, profondément, à un silence intérieur afin de mieux vibrez au rythme du tambour antique. Puis, allumons notre flamme pour qu’elle nous élève avec elle. Voilà, notre assemblée arc-en-ciel semble maintenant, elle aussi, toute en lumière. Divers nous sommes, ensemble comme un. Notre flamme brillera loin et nous guidera de sa lumière durant notre voyage. —Karien van der Walt submitted by the Unitarian Church of South Africa GERMAN: Wenn wir im Schatten unseres Berges zusammenkommen, umspült der Ozean unsere Füße. Wir spüren ganz innerlich der Stille in diesem Geschehen nach. Fühlen den Rhythmus der alten Trommel. Wir entzünden unsere Flamme, sie hebt uns hoch empor. Unser Regenbogen scheint hernieder gekommen zu sein. Unterschiedlich wie wir sind, sind wir zusammen doch eins. —Karien van der Walt submitted by the Unitarian Church of South Africa ITALIAN Mentre ci raccogliamo all'ombra della nostra montagna, l'oceano lambisce i nostri piedi. Nel profondo di noi stessi, ascoltiamo il silenzio. Ascoltiamo il ritmo di antichi tamburi. Il nostro arcobaleno sembra risplendere. Diversi tra noi, insieme come uno. La nostra fiamma risplenderà lontano. E guiderà la luce del nostro cammino. --Karien van der Walt presentata dalla Chiesa Unitariana del Sud Africa SPANISH Al reunirnos en la sombra de nuestra montaña, el océano chapotea entre nuestros pies. Profundizamos en el silencio de nuestro interior. Sentimos el ritmo del antiguo tambor. Encendemos nuestra llama que nos eleva hacia lo alto. Nuestro arco iris parece ligero. Diversos como somos. ¡Unidos como uno! Nuestra llama brillará lejos y será la luz que guíe nuestro viaje. —Karien van der Walt enviado por la Iglesia Unitaria de Sudáfrica (With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Jean-Claude Barbier (French), and Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German), Paola Ferrari (Italian) and Jaume de Marcos (Spanish).) |
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Global Chalice Lighting for March 2014
The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists announces the 127th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to participate and to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month and naming the group which submitted it. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Deutsche Unitarier Religionsgemeinschaft and is suggested for use in March 2014. ENGLISH: Life, unfathomable plenty — You carry us and imbue us and flow around us, You call us like everything into being and give everyone our time, That we may make use of it to come to know You, To encounter You in light and shadow. We take and accept You and we are thankful. Find us prepared! —Hans-Dietrich Kahl submitted by Deutsche Unitarier Religionsgemeinschaft GERMAN: Leben, unergründliche Fülle — Du trägst und durchdringst und umflutest uns alle, rufst uns wie alles ins Sein, gibst jedem seine Zeit, dass wir sie nutzen Dich zu erfahren, Dich zu bestehen in Licht und in Schatten. Wir nehmen es an und sind dankbar dafür. Finde uns bereit! —Hans-Dietrich Kahl submitted by Deutsche Unitarier Religionsgemeinschaft (Other translations for Chalice Lighting Words will be available again starting next month.) |
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Global Chalice Lighting for April 2014
ICUU offers the 126th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use it at least once in the month, identifying it as the "ICUU Global Chalice Lighting," naming the group which submitted it. Across this land and around the world Good-hearted people strive for justice, struggle for peace, Honour love, and dream of a new day When all will live in dignity. Our loving, free faith has a part to play, A vision to uphold, and a call that sounds From sea to sea to sea. If you are here this morning, You are called to the ministry of all to all To make heaven here on earth Now, in this place, on this planet For all people. May our time in worship together, As a congregation and as a faith, Renew our call to this shared ministry —Allison Barrett, submitted by the Canadian Unitarian Council |
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Global Chalice Lighting Words for May 2014
The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists announces the 129th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to participate and to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month and naming the group which submitted it. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Assemblée des Chrétiens Unitariens, Burundi and is suggested for use in May 2014. We light this flame for the victims of human and natural catastrophes around the world: • for those bent under the burden of AIDS, the stigma of the disease, and the lack of understanding of those close to them, neighbours and family members, • for victims of famine, among them the many children with shrunken bodies and eyes that don't know where to look for help, • for those injured by the breach of couples, especially the children, • for refugees and those displaced by countless wars that ravage so many regions of our world, and who are left to stand on the doorstep of despair, • for victims of the errors brought about by human whims and caprices, of which global warming is but one symptom. We light this flame also as a sign of our gratitude for all the love, care and solidarity of which women and men are capable, in the face of such terrible tragedies. —Fulgence Ndagijimana, submitted by the Assemblée des Chrétiens Unitariens, Burundi |
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Global Chalice Lighting for June 2014
The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists announces the 130th in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to participate and to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month and naming the group which submitted it. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Australian and New Zealand Unitarian Association and is suggested for use in June 2014. ENGLISH: We light this chalice To honour those brave souls Who spoke their truth, Who questioned authority, Who defied orthodoxy. Their courage speaks to us through this chalice And encourages us all To think strongly To love fully In our shared quest for truth, beauty and meaning. —Derek McCullough Submitted by the Australian and New Zealand Unitarian Association FRENCH: Nous allumons ce calice pour rendre hommage à ces hommes courageux qui ont parlé de leur vérité, qui ont interpellé les autorités, qui ont défié les orthodoxies. Leur courage nous parle à travers ce calice et nous encourage tous à penser fortement, à aimer pleinement Dans notre quête commune de la vérité, de la beauté et du sens de la Vie. —par Derek McCullough, présentée par l’Association unitarienne d'Australie et de Nouvelle-Zélande GERMAN: Wir entzünden diesen Flammenkelch um jene tapferen Seelen zu ehren, die ihre Wahrheit aussprachen, die Autoritäten in Frage stellten und überkommene Lehrmeinungen herausforderten. Ihr Mut spricht zu uns durch dieses Licht und ermutigt uns alle, bei unserer gemeinsamen Suche nach Wahrheit, Schhönheit und Sinn intensiv nachzudenken und wirklich zu lieben. —Derek McCullough Submitted by the Australian and New Zealand Unitarian Association SPANISH: Encendemos este cáliz Para honrar las almas valerosas Que expresaron su verdad, Que cuestionaron la autoridad, Que desafiaron la ortodoxia. Su coraje nos interpela a través de este cáliz Y nos anima a todos A pensar profundamente, A amar totalmente, En nuestra búsqueda compartida de la verdad, la belleza y el sentido. —Derek McCullough Submitted by the Australian and New Zealand Unitarian Association ITALIAN: Noi accendiamo questo calice Per onorare quelle anime coraggiose Che hanno pubblicamente affermato la loro verità, Che hanno messo in discussione l'autorità, Che hanno sfidato l'ortodossia. Il loro coraggio ci parla attraverso questo calice E ci incoraggia pensare con forza ad amare pienamente Nella nostra ricerca comune di verità, bellezza e significato. —Derek McCullough. Inviato dalla Unitarian Association di Australia e Nuova Zelanda (With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Jean-Claude Barbier (French), and Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German), Paola Ferrari (Italian) and Jaume de Marcos (Spanish).) |
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Global Chalice Lighting for July 2014
Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month and naming the group which submitted it. ENGLISH: Life is an art, it requires practice to achieve greatness, but greatness is always waiting, ready to be attained. May the light of this chalice remind us of the possibility for everyone to achieve truth and goodness in our lives, if we only seek it. —Beth Bullmer, submitted by the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (USA) FRENCH: La vie est un art ; il faut de la pratique pour atteindre la grandeur, mais la grandeur est toujours en attente, prête à être atteinte. Que la lumière de ce calice nous rappelle la possibilité pour tous d'atteindre la vérité et la bonté dans nos vies, si nous la cherchons vraiment. Par Beth Bullmer, présentée par la Association unitarienne universaliste des congrégations (USA) GERMAN: Leben ist eine Kunst, sie erfordert Übung, um Größe zu erlangen. Größe wartet stets darauf, erreicht zu werden. Möge das Licht in diesem Leuchter uns an die Möglichkeit eines jeden erinnern, zu Wahrheit und Güte in unserem Leben zu gelangen, wenn wir uns darum bemühen. —Beth Bullmer, submitted by the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (USA) SPANISH La vida es un arte que requiere práctica para conseguir la grandeza, pero la grandeza siempre está a la espera, lista para ser alcanzada. Que la luz de este cáliz nos recuerde la posibilidad que tenemos todos de llegar a la verdad y la bondad en nuestras vidas si aspiramos a ellas. —Beth Bullmer, submitted by the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (USA) ITALIAN La vita è un'arte: occorre fare pratica per raggiungere la grandezza, ma la grandezza è sempre in attesa, pronta ad essere raggiunta. Che la luce di questo calice ci ricordi la possibilità per noi tutti di raggiungere verità e bontà nelle nostre vite, se solo lo cerchiamo. Beth Bullmer, inviato dalla Unitarian Universalist Association fo Congregations (USA) (With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Jean-Claude Barbier (French), Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German), Paola Ferrari (Italian) and Jaume de Marcos (Spanish).) |
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Global Chalice Lighting for August 2014
ICUU announces the 132nd in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was submitted by the Sociedad Unitaria Universalista de España and is suggested for use in August 2014. Lighting this chalice, we invoke the presence of Love in our hearts, to share it today among us and then spread it to the world. Therefore, let nobody feel a stranger in this circle and may all feel welcome. —submitted by the Sociedad Unitaria Universalista de España |
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Global Chalice Lighting for September 2014
ICUU announces the 133rd in its monthly global chalice lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to use the reading for at least one worship service in the designated month, identifying it as the “ICUU Global Chalice Lighting” for that month. This Global Chalice Lighting was originally submitted by the Deutsche Unitarier Religionsgemeinschaft and is suggested for use in September 2014. ENGLISH: Passing on a burning candle: A light and a smile lead the path from loneliness to togetherness. —Anke Schmielau, submitted by Deutsche Unitarier Religionsgemeinschaft GERMAN: Spruch zum Weitergeben einer brennenden Kerze: Das Licht und das Lächeln weisen den Weg vom Einsamen zum Gemeinsamen. Traduction: Lucie-Marie Castonguay-Bower —Anke Schmielau, submitted by Deutsche Unitarier Religionsgemeinschaft |
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