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March 2018
This month in honor of the Comunione Unitariana Italiana being granted full membership in ICUU at the Council Meeting in Kathmandu, Nepal, the Rev. Lawrence Sudbury offers these word for our global chalice lighting: Italiano Quella che stiamo accendendo oggi è solo una piccola fiamma ma anche una piccola fiamma può portare luce nel buio e può dare inizio a un grande fuoco . Possa la fiamma del nostro calice che s'innalza verso l'Infinito essere simbolo della nostra inesauribile speranza di essere luce che dissolve le tenebre dell'odio, dell'ingiustizia e dell'intolleranza, di essere inizio di un grande fuoco che porti a chiunque nel mondo il calore della pace, della fratellanza e dell'Amore universale. Amen. English What we are lighting up today is just a small flame but even a small flame can bring light into the dark and can start a great fire. May the flame of our chalice, rising towards the Infinite, be the symbol of our inexhaustible hope of being light that dissolves the darkness of hatred, injustice and intolerance, of being the beginning of a great fire that brings the warmth of peace, brotherhood and universal Love to anyone in the world. Amen. |
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![]() ICUU Global Chalice Lighting April 2018 The words from a song of prayer: Rev. Matimoju Adeyinka, Minister of the First Unitarian Church, Lagos, Nigeria Yoruba: Ibi a gbe nsin Baba o, Ibi a gbe nsin Baba, Eyi n'ile Isin Mimo, Ibi a gbe nsin Baba. E je k'okan wa sokan o, E je k'okan wa sokan, Ni akoko isin Mimo, E je k'okan wa sokan. K' Olorun le gbo tiwa o, K' Olorun le gbo tiwa, Imi-edun olukuluku, K' Olorun le gbo tiwa. English: The place where we serve Father, The place where we serve Father, This is a holy house of worship, The place where we serve Father. Let our spirit be united, Let our spirit be united, In the hour of holy service, Let our spirit be united. That God may listen to us, That God may listen to us, Groan of each and every one, That God may listen to us. http://mailchi.mp/ec2890250916/icuu-global-chalice-lighting |
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![]() May 2018 In honor of this 175th publishing of the ICUU Global Chalice Lighting, we return to where we began in 2003 with the words of Mark Allstrom submitted by the Australian and New Zealand Unitarian Association. English: A golden thread binds us to all that has been and will ever be. Here the tender soul yearns. Here the greatest dreams are sighted. Here the sacred flame burns. http://www.facebook.com/InternationalUUs/posts/2121054914591806 |
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![]() June 2018 The words of Eva Kortekaas from the Netherlands Unitarian Fellowship and European Unitarian Universalists representative to ICUU. We light this chalice as the symbol of the beating heart that is our faith. May it show us how to love, for that is the greatest commandments of all commandments. May it give us inspiration to fuel our inner flames, so they can shine brightly when times are darkest. May it strengthen our community for many hearts beating together is a force that none can withstand. And finally, may it illuminate our search for truth and meaning through the many paths to one of wisdom that will guide our body, mind, heart, spirit and soul. Amen and blessed be. http://www.facebook.com/InternationalUUs/posts/2150093568354607 http://www.facebook.com/InternationalUUs/photos/a.531134306917216.124925.530784156952231/2150093348354629 |
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![]() July 2018 The words of Jaume deMarcos, leader of the Unitarian Church, Barcelona, Spain Spanish: En este momento solemne, cuando se apagan las voces, cuando escuchamos el silencio, Encendemos este cáliz por aquellos que nos precedieron, y también por los que nos seguirán. Encendemos el cáliz por los que hicieron posible que hoy estemos aquí, pues a pesar de sus errores y limitaciones, un sueño les empujó a encender un cáliz como hoy hacemos nosotros. Y también por los que alumbrarán una llama cuando nosotros ya no estemos, cuando llenos de ilusión y de esperanza, renueven esta luz. Esta luz brilla por todos ellos, por los que vinieron antes, y por los que vendrán después. Y por nosotros, que vivimos entre ellos, uniendo pasado y futuro. English: In this solemn moment, when voices subside, when silence can be heard; We light this chalice for all those who preceded us, and also for those who will follow us. We light the chalice for those who made possible that we are here today, because in spite of their failings and limitations, a dream moved them to light a chalice just as we are doing. And for those who will burn a flame when we are no longer, when they will renew this light, full of hope and enthusiasm. This light shines for all of them, for those who came before, and for those who will come later. And for us, who are living in between, linking past and future together. |
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![]() August 2018 The words of Päivi Helena Kesti, leader of the Unitarian Church in Finland. Finnish: Pimeydessä voi loistaa monia valoja. Jotkin johtavat harhapoluille ja jättävät kulkijan yhä synkempään pimeyteen sammuessaan. Johtakoon tämä valo, jonka sytytämme yhdessä, meidät oikeille, omille teillemme yhteydessä toisiimme ja kaikkiin ympärillämme. Pysyköön tämä liekki ja levitköön heijastuksena myötätunnostamme, kunnes näemme saman suvaitsevaisuuden ja rakkauden järjen valon maailmassa kuten sydämissämme. English: Many lights may shine in the darkness. Some lead astray and leave the wanderer ever deeper in the dark when they go out. May this light that we light together lead us to our right, own ways in connection with each other and everyone around us. May this flame stay and spread around us as a reflection of our compassion until we see the same light of tolerance and sensibility within love mirrored in the world as in our hearts. http://www.facebook.com/InternationalUUs/posts/2256240127739950 |
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![]() September 2018 The words of the Unitarian/Universalist Pan African Cooperative Leadership Team: Burundi: Niragira Françioise & Ndihokabwayo Jean Bosco; Kenya: Magara Justine & Wanjiru Emma; Nigeria: Matimoju Adeyinka; Rwanda: Ndagijimana Jean Maurice & Uwayisaba Clement; South Africa: Roux Malan & Mouanga Gur We light this chalice remembering the special gifts from the African continent. Its natural beauty, its deep humanity and its spontaneous joy. We light this chalice to remind ourselves that we are all children of Africa - the cradle of humankind. We light this Chalice to share the light of Liberty in Africa, for the children of the World to see Africa beyond the colonial scars and admire her beauty in the people, the land and all inhabitants of Africa. We light this chalice in celebration of our efforts, trying to find ways and means for a suitable U/U vision that reflects African realities. We light this chalice for Africa and all her people. May they have health, peace and prosperity. May their future and the future of the world be as bright as this light. J'allume ce calice pour nos frères et soeurs unitariens qui se cherchent encore. Que cette lumière éclaire leur orientation et leur determination. (I light this chalice to think of our unitarian brothers and sisters who are still finding their way. May this flame light their orientation and dedication.) We light this chalice in remembrance of all that are suffering around the world that they may find comfort, hope, and renewal in their faith. We light the chalice for solidarity in our global human family that we may work together to protect those who are most vulnerable and most in need. We light this chalice for everlasting love justice compassion acceptance and everlasting interaction between us and nature. We light this chalice to affirm our original roots, our beliefs, faiths and from there to connect to the world community to make this earth a better place for us and generations to come. http://www.facebook.com/InternationalUUs/posts/2309245642439398 |
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![]() October 2018 Words by Lene Lund Shoemaker from the Danish Unitarian Church Danish: Lad denne lille flamme symbolisere den guddommelige livsgnist, som findes i alle levende væsener. Må dets flamme lede os til større viden og tolerance. Må dets varme lede os til dybere kærlighed og omsorg. Og må dets lys lede os mod større visdom og forståelse. Ja, hver for sig er vi kun en lillebitte flamme. Men tilsammen kan vi oplyse verden! English: Let this flame symbolize the divine spark of light embedded in all living beings. May its flame lead us to greater knowledge and tolerance. May its warmth lead us to deeper love and compassion. And may its light lead us toward greater wisdom and understanding. Yes, each of us is but a tiny flame. But together we can enlighten the world! |
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November 2018
The words of the Unitarian/Universalist participants of the Spanish language/Latin American Encounter in Colombia Pablo Correa Pinto (Colombia), Gilbert Gutierez (New Mexico), Carlos Herrera (Colombia & New Mexico), Mirla Leal (Cuba), Raul Martinez-Quiroz (Chile), and Julio Noboa (Costa Rica) Español: Encendemos este cáliz para animarnos a hacer algo aunque pequeña o sencillo que sea. Encendemos este Cáliz por la alegría y la salud que tenemos en nuestras vidas, por la esperanza en el futuro y tambien en agradecimiento por quienes participaron en este encuentro latinoamericano. Encendemos este cáliz por todxs aquellxs que buscan un nuevo hogar. Encendemos este cáliz por todo ser que habita esta tierra, y por los que vendrán y ya existieron. Encendemos este cáliz para todes les seres que caminan este universo en búsqueda de sentido en libertad y en comunidad. Encendemos este cáliz por un presente sin relaciones y estructuras sociales injustas. Encendemos este Cáliz por las familias separadas, por los amigos distantes. Encendemos este Cáliz para que ilumine sus caminos de reencuentro. Para honrar las tradiciones virtuosas de nuestros antepasados recientes y remotos, Para extender los límites de comunidad más allá de nuestras fronteras físicas, mentales y espirituales, Y para dejar un legado de paz, justicia y compromiso para futuras generaciones de la Madre Tierra. Encendemos este cáliz para que todo el mundo lo vea. English: We light this chalice to motivate us to do something no matter how small or simple. We light this Chalice for the joy and health that we have in our lives, for the hope in the future, and in gratitude for those who were present at this Latin American gathering. We light this chalice for those who are searching for a new home. We light this chalice for all living being dwelling this land, for those who are coming and for those who were. We light this chalice to all existent beings in this universe that are seeking meaning in community and freedom. We light this Chalice for a present without unjust structures and relationships. We light this chalice for separated families, for distant friends. We light this chalice to enlighten their paths of reunion. To honor the virtuous traditions of our ancestors recent and remote, to extend the boundaries of community beyond our own physical, mental and spiritual borders, and to leave a legacy of peace, justice and commitment for future generations of Mother Earth. We light this chalice for all the world to see. |
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Global Chalice Lighting Words
December 2018 Words by Anonymous Member & Unitarian Universalist Association in the United States We honor the time of darkness that we descend into whether of season or soul. May we find time of quiet reflection and of joyous celebration. We bring stories, traditions, and rituals with us from our diverse lives. We are people of faith with many beliefs. We fill the darkness with lights of many faiths. These lights warm us, illuminate the night and become symbols of hope for the future. We celebrate the lights that are kindled in the darkness. We pause in the darkness to celebrate the light within all our traditions. We come together to rejoice with each other as family, friends, and community. It is in bringing light to the darkness we are united and find companionship. May the light we share be with us in days of darkness. May the candles we burn remind us that we are not alone. May they light our way back into the light and warm our hearts with hope for tomorrow and gratefulness for today. |
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January 2019
Global Chalice Lighting Words Words by Rev Petr Samojsky, minister, Religious Society of Czech Unitarians May this flame go up and remind us that our faith is good: every one of us can bring love to the world. May this chalice burn with clear flame as a symbol of our path: every one of us can have joy, peace and harmony in our hearts. May through this flame the wisdom of ages speak to us and stay in us: every one of us can be a blessing to the world. |
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![]() February 2019 Words written by Jean-Claude Barbier of the Assemblée Fraternelle des Chrétiens Unitariens (AFCU) Hallelujah for the chalice which contains the wine, which contains our lives; Hallelujah for the flame which rises with our prayers, with our hopes; Let us give thanks to God, to the divine Breath, to the Matrix that is the source of the life. Let us give thanks for this Creation given and received. Thanks to rabbi and teacher Jesus of Nazareth and all the wise ones of our Humanity, of all the religions, all wisdoms, all philosophies. Thanks to all the people of our History who built this world, That we are present, by mutual agreement, together at the meeting-point of our worship. That we are present, listening each other, helping each other, at the meeting-point of our worship. |
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![]() ICUU Global Chalice Lighting March 2019 Global Chalice Lighting Words Words by Arman Pedro Tagalog/Filipino: Ating iniilawan itong kalis para tayo ay mapapaalalahanan na sa kabila ng ating hindi ganap na pagkaperpekto tayo ay labis na mapalad pa rin sa marami at iba’t-ibang pamamaraan. Nawa’y ang ating mga puso at mga isipan ay laging magbibigay halaga sa kagandahan sa bawat isa sa atin. Batid natin na ang bawat isa sa atin ay may dala-dalang munting liwanag sa loob natin. At kung ating pagsama-samahin ang ating mga mumunting liwanag tayo ay makakagawa ng mas malaking liwanag para liwanagan ang ating sugatan at napinsalang mundo. English: We light this chalice for us to be reminded that despite of our imperfections we are still blessed in so many different ways. May our hearts and our minds always value the beauty in each one of us knowing that each of us carries that little spark within us. And if we collectively share our little spark we can create a bigger light to illumine our bruised and broken world. |
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![]() April 2019 Global Chalice Lighting Words These words are offered by the members of the ICUU Executive Committee who met in early March in Manchester, UK. President: Inga Brandes Vice President: Derek McAuley Treasurer: John “Mich” Michell Member at Large: Shelley Adams Member at Large: Lucie Hrabankova Member at Large: Aryanot Nugroho We light this chalice for all who are in search of peace, hope, understanding, and faith. We light this chalice to guide all on the path of our faith and our global community. We light this chalice to create together a new world, to give hope for progress in human relations. We light this chalice to celebrate life in all its facets, both the bitter and the sweet. We light this chalice for all who have gone before us seeking truth and connection to nature. We light this chalice for all who concerned with kindness in discourse. We light this chalice for the warmth of friendship and togetherness and for all whom we serve. We light this chalice to express our faith to the One God, source of all light in our soul; express our hope that the darkness in the world will always be overcome by the light of truth and goodness; express our love that we will share blessing and happiness with our neighbour. |
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May 2019
Global Chalice Lighting Words Words by Members of Nerthlands UU Fellowship, Amsterdam ICUU would like to dedicate this month's Global Chalice Lighting to Freya Bednarski-Stelling, Co-President of the German Unitarians and long-time Chalice Lighting translator for ICUU. We are grateful for her dedicated service to our shared faith, she will be greatly missed. English: That the light may shine, that the candle may burn brightly That it may be a beacon in the darkness for those who need it An inspiration for those who serve humanity Who work to nurture, educate and empower women and girls across the world Who work to heal souls wounded by war Who work to care for the ill in the dark of the night Who work to serve mankind. |
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June 2019
These words are offered in honor of the second gather of European Unitarians Together "Es stellt dich jeder Morgen" by Lotte Huwe (German Lyrics) “Awaking Every Morning” by Roland Weber (English Translation) German: Es stellt dich jeder Morgen vor eine neue Tat; Besiege deine Sorgen und such dir selber Rat. In deinem eig'nen Herzen, in deiner eig'nen Art sind Taten, Freuden, Schmerzen ganz nahe aufbewahrt. Aus ihnen kannst Du küren Sieg oder Niedergeh'n. Stoß auf des Lebens Türen, du wirst im Lichte stehn! English: Awaking every morning See what you can achieve! Your life again is dawning. Just trust in your belief! Your dream can be your vision. You hold it in your hands. Start living your decision, reach out and take the chance! Arise as mists are fading! Doors are open wide. Your happiness is waiting, so step into the light! |
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July 2019
Global Chalice Lighting These words come from the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (adapted). We light this chalice in recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family being the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. May this chalice reminds us that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights; that all people are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of humanhood and compassion. |
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August 2019
Global Chalice Lighting These words come from the Global Chalice Lighting Archives and were written by Mrs. Shaheen Bhatti. Urdu: Shakk nahinh hay piyar maian…Mairray dada ke kahani ki tarhaha; Kahani jo kahie haay; Admmi sanp ko marrata haay; Qeuanqay woo dang say darta haay; Woo bee ous say darta haay; Aur aghar sanp mauqa pata haay too woo ous ko katta haay; Aur aghar insan mauqa pata haay too woo ous ko marta haay; Dusamani ka chakar youinhe chalta haay; Jub tak kay khouf na dour karainh; Ouous joggi ke tarhaha; Joo sanpoonh koo piyar karaay; Koi na kisse pay war karaay; Aur her koi kisse say piyar karaay!!! English: Love accepts without doubts…Like the story told by my grandfather. The story that says: A person kills the snake just because he anticipates that it would bite him, whereas it may be hiding from a person so as to not be killed. So if a snake sees a person it bites her; and if the person sees the snake she kills it. The cycle of enmity between human and snake will continue until or unless both can get rid of their fear of each other; like a yogi that keeps and loves the snakes, and none bites but rather care; the care that brings Peace instead of violence!!! |
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![]() October 2019 The words from Rev. Aryanto Nugroho, Unitarian Christian Church of Indonesia The earth mourneth and fadeth away; the world languisheth and fadeth away; the haughty people of the earth do languish (Isaiah 24:4, KJV) THE LORD not only gave this earth to humankind for their workspace, but also to take care of it. It is a pity, that humanity forgets and ignores the caring of this world, so climate crisis makes earth languish and the people suffer. It is not enough for us just to deepen our spirituality. It is not enough for us to serve good to humanity. We are also called to ignite hope for the future generations, that they will still have this earth as their prosperous and fruitful home, not to languish and fading away ground. We light our chalice today with hope, prayer and commitment, that we will take part in keeping the sustainability of this earth. We make this calling part of our spirituality, that we will take up our responsibility and will urge the other to also take responsibility to care for this earth and save it from climate crisis. |
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![]() December 2019 These words are offered by Rwandan Unitarian leader, Uwayisaba Clement We light this chalice for all people who have been affected by violence as they rebuild their lives: that they may find it in their hearts to move forwards in peace and forgiveness; We light this chalice for peace in our world: that all people may live free from violence, in safety and security, and with hope for the future. https://icuu.net/2019/12/03/december-2019-global-chalice-lighting |
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